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MMUST Secures Phase Two Funding for Bachelor of Science in Biosafety and Biosecurity Program!

Masinde Muliro University of Science and technology has successfully secured phase two funding for its Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Biosafety and Biosecurity program. This follows a fruitful visit by the International Federation for Biosafety Associations (IFBA) and the International Delegation of Sponsors earlier this year. The funding, amounting to $89,855, will support the ongoing commitment to develop and deliver this crucial program, which has gained significant traction since its launch. This funding initiative is coordinated by Mr. Fidelis Mambo, an IFBA Certified Professional and Senior Lecturer in Medical Parasitology and Entomology at MMUST. The Technical Advisor of the program is Mr. James Robert Wakungwi Sakwa, who is also a Principal Medical Laboratory Technologist at the Department.


Mr. Fidelis Mambo, a Senior Lecturer in Medical Parasitology and Entomology at MMUST.

The new funding will facilitate various key activities that are essential to the advancement of the program, including, student support, where it will cover travel expenses for the pioneer students during their semester break between August and September. Additionally, second-year fees and monthly stipends will be co-sponsored by Air Filter Maintenance Services (AFMS).


Prof. Lt. Col. (rtd) John Martin Okoth (Left), Mr. Fidelis Mambo (Centre) and the Dean School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences & Technology (SPHBST), Dr. Evans Raballah at a past event involving the Biosafety-Biosecurity program.

The program will receive specialized course material, with technical support co-sponsored by IFBA and the US Biosecurity Engagement Program (US BEP). The travel costs for international experts to deliver in-person lectures at MMUST will be covered by multiple sponsors including, IFBA, University of British Columbia (UBC), AFMS, and Health Security Partners (HSP). These funds for supporting international collaboration in the implementation of the program fall outside the direct funding to MMUST.

The funding will also support the organization of one conference in Arusha- Tanzania and two workshops in Kakamega, all sponsored by IFBA and USBEP. The budget of the conference that will be held in Arusha is not included in the MMUST’s direct funding.


The funding will also support the organization of one conference in Arusha- Tanzania and two workshops in Kakamega, all sponsored by IFBA and USBEP. The budget of the conference that will be held in Arusha is not included in the MMUST’s direct funding.

It is worth noting that additional supplies and materials necessary for the program will be provided under the sponsorship of USDEP.

Notably, the details for these activities, along with their budgetary and funding arrangements, have been outlined accurately in the second IFBA/MMUST Agreement. This agreement has been duly signed by Mr. Fidelis Mambo, a Senior Lecturer in Medical Parasitology and Entomology at MMUST and Ms. Maureen Ellis, CEO of IFBA, and has been shared with the University’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo.


Mr. Fidelis Mambo (standing behind) together with the pioneer students of the Biosafety and Biosecurity program.

With such funding from partners, MMUST is certainly equipped and well placed to provide quality academic programs. As the University continues to forge strong international partnerships, it remains at the forefront of delivering world-class education in the critical global health security domain. 

By Dr. Lydia Anyonje  and  Caren Nekesa 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu  and Steven Omondi 

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