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MMUST Ushers in Its 2024 First-Year Students With Elaborate Orientation Kickoff

In a vibrant demonstration of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s (MMUST) commitment and enthusiasm to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for its new students, the University kicked off its week-long orientation program for the Class of 2024.  This initiative marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for over 4,000 incoming students, setting the tone for their academic and social journey on campus. This year’s orientation programme has been specially designed to equip the new students with the essential knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of University life, both inside and outside the classroom.

On 2nd and 3rd September 2024, the Divisions of Academic and Student Affairs (ASA) and Administration and Finance (A&F) addressed the first year students. The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs)- Prof. Hussein Golicha congratulated the first year students for getting admitted to MMUST, a leading University in the region. He encouraged them to work hard and stay focused in their academic journey in order to achieve their goals.


The  DVC ASA- Prof. Hussein Golicha addressing the first-year students.

Similarly, the Registrar (Academic Affairs)- Prof. Judah Ndiku expressed hope that the newly admitted students will settle first enough to embark on the serious task of pursuing University education. “As a University we are proud to have admitted over 4,000 students to pursue a diversity of programmes that our eleven Schools have on offer. I urge you to take the orientation exercise seriously in order to be acquainted with the University’s processes and procedures,” said Prof. Ndiku. The other notable speakers included the Registrar in charge of Administration, Finance Officer, Directors, Deans of Schools and Coordinators.


The Registrar (Academic Affairs)- Prof. Judah Ndiku addresses the students.

Other key sessions during the day were a thought-provoking presentation on ‘Stress Management’ led by Prof. Ken Otieno. Addressing the new students, Prof. Otieno emphasized the importance of mental resilience in their academic journey ahead. “The world of academia is very elusive. You may join with a grade A, but if you are not careful, you could end up graduating with lower qualifications,” he cautioned.

Prof. Otieno was candid about the challenges the students would face, noting that the difference between those who succeed and those who falter lies in how they manage the stress. He urged the students to take stress management seriously, pointing out that while stress is inevitable, it does not have to lead to negative outcomes. “If others have made it, so can you,” he assured them, warning of the dangers of untreated stress, which leads to depression. Further, he highlighted that research indicates that the chances of overcoming depression are significantly diminished if not addressed early. Prof. Otieno advised the students to be proactive in managing their stress and encouraged them to seek help whenever they feel overwhelmed.


The Director (Career Services)- Prof. Robert Egessa making his remarks. 

“Your time at MMUST will be filled with opportunities for growth, but it will also come with its share of challenges. By managing your stress effectively, you will not only survive but thrive in this environment,” he stated, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a balanced life, engaging in regular physical activities, building supportive social networks, and seeking counseling services available at the University.

Presenting on ‘Diligent Studentship: Weathering the Campus Life,’ Dr. Rose Opiyo took the students through the strategies for managing social dynamics and academic expectations. Her insights aimed to reduce feelings of anxiety and isolation, offering students practical tools to thrive in their new environment.

“Navigating campus life with a sense of adventure and openness can make the experience more enjoyable and fulfilling. This is a time of significant growth and opportunity, and embracing it fully will lead to a rewarding journey,” said Dr. Opiyo.


The Coordinator Strategic Planning- Dr. Rose Opiyo speaks during the orientation.

Additionally, Dr. Ben Oseno talked to the students about ‘Personal Financial Management.’ He emphasized the importance of creating a budget and sticking to it as a foundational step in managing their finances effectively. “Navigating University life can be financially challenging. To avoid unnecessary debt and ensure you are making the most of your resources, it is essential that you establish a budget and adhere to it. This practice will help you maintain financial stability and focus on your studies without the added stress of financial uncertainty,” he noted.

For many, the orientation exercise has been a whirlwind of new experiences and emotions. The orientation outlined various aspects including ‘Campus Tours’‘Academic Information’‘Student Services’‘Campus Life’‘Administrative Procedures’‘Safety and Policies’‘Social Integration’ as well as ‘Cultural and Community Engagement.’ Providing guidance and support during this critical period, ensures that students can smoothly integrate into University life and focus on their personal and academic growth.


A section of first year students keenly following the presentations.

As the fresh men and women settle into their new environment, the University’s commitment to their success remains steadfast. With a comprehensive orientation program and a supportive campus community, MMUST is poised to help its newest students thrive.

By Linet Owuor and Caren Nekesa

Photos by Shiundu Masafu and Joshua Chilango

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