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MMUST Officers Under The Division Of Planning, Research And Innovation Familiarize First-Year Students With The Section’s Mandate And Functions

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s officers, under the Division of Planning, Research and Innovation (PRI), have familiarized the 2024/2025 first-year students with the mandate and functions of the section. The officers, who were led by the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor-PRI, Prof. Josephine Ngaira, addressed the fresh men and women on Thursday, 5th September, 2024 at the graduation square during orientation. They comprised Directors, Coordinators of various Units, as well as staff from PRI.

In her address, Prof. Ngaira congratulated the students for their outstanding performance in the 2023 KCSE, while appreciating them for choosing MMUST as their preferred institution of higher learning. She stated that the University is committed to nurturing both the academic and personal growth of each student, and assured the freshers that her Division will guide them towards setting their strategic goals in planning, research, innovation and community outreach. “Come 2028, we hope to graduate this cohort as well-rounded individuals who will not only be socially responsible and academically accomplished, but also employable,” remarked the DVC. She also stressed the importance of making intentional life choices, reminding the students that their success will largely be determined by their actions, choices and attitudes. “Life is what you make it. The quality and direction of your life is largely determined by your decisions,” she advised.


Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation)- Prof. Josephine Ngaira, addresses freshers at the graduation square.

Recognizing the holistic nature of University life, Prof. Ngaira encouraged the students to maintain a balance between their social, spiritual, mental, and physical wellbeing, pointing out that humans are social beings. She advised them to take full advantage of their time at MMUST by participating in activities that will enhance all aspects of their personal and academic development.

“Welcome to MMUST and feel at home because you made the right choice by selecting this University. The Division of PRI is very important as it is concerned with research, which forms the functions of a University,” said Prof. Benedict Alala, who was standing in for the Registrar-PRI, Dr. Collins Matemba. While stating the responsibilities of PRI, Prof. Alala revealed that this Division coordinates and monitors activities related to the University Strategic Plan, it supports research and innovation, it creates and maintains local and international linkages, and it mobilizes and solicits funds through research.



Prof. Benedict Alala moderates the PRI Division’s first-year orientation session.

The Director of Science Park, Innovation and Incubation Centre (SPIIC)-Dr. Tecla Sum, who also represented the Director of Research and Postgraduate Support (DRPS)-Prof. Francis Orata, highlighted the role of science and innovation in addressing societal challenges. She emphasized that students serve as the key link between the University and the problems faced by society, encouraging them to harness their creativity to make meaningful contributions. Dr. Sum urged the students to present their ideas and innovations, and assured them that the two (2) Directorates are committed to providing mentorship and support from the incubation phase to commercialization. She added, “no matter where you are from, here in MMUST you all stand equal opportunities to become researchers and innovators.”

In her remarks, the Director of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM)-Dr. Lydia Anyonje, notified the first-year students on the importance of staying informed about University activities, and avoiding misinformation. She urged them to make use of the MMUST official communication channels, including the Customer Care and Call Centre, student intranet, as well as the verified social media platforms, in order to stay updated and receive accurate information.  “Our customer care and call centre is a one-stop shop for all your inquiries and support needs,” she noted. I would also like to encourage you to develop your talents, sharpen your communication skills and reach out to us for any assistance,” said Dr. Anyonje, saying that clear and respectful communication, regardless of the course that one is pursuing, is key to ensuring that they receive the help required.


Director-DCCM, Dr. Lydia Anyonje talks about her Directorate during orientation.

Presenting on the mandate of the Directorate of AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming (ACGDM), the Deputy Director-ACGDM, Dr. Reuben Rutto, stated that the University life goes beyond attending lectures, as it offers students the platform for personal development and growth. He stressed MMUST’s commitment to creating an inclusive environment where every student can thrive. “We strive to create a space where each student feels safe and respected. I urge you to collaborate with other stakeholders to help shape MMUST into a place where everyone has the opportunity to succeed,” added Dr. Rutto.

Similarly, the Deputy Director in charge of the Institute of Indigenous Knowledge, Cultural Studies and Climate Change (IIKCSCC)-Dr. Lucy Mandillah, underscored the importance of students understanding their cultural heritage, noting its influence on their campus experience.  “IIKCSCC fosters cultural integration and works to bridge cultural gaps within the University. As you embark on this journey, you need to understand the diverse cultures at MMUST and learn from them,” she stated.


A section of the officers from PRI at the graduation square with MMUST fresh men and women.

Representing the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL), Dr. Edwin Kanda noted that MMUST students have the unique opportunity to go abroad through the strategic partnerships established by the Directorate. He also stated that these partnerships enable students to secure both local and international placements for internships, attachments, and even employment.

Key Coordinating Units were represented by their Heads; Dr. Rose Opiyo (Strategic and Institutional Planning Unit); Dr. Issah Kweyu (Extension Services and Outreach); Dr. Isaac K’Owino (Institutional Research); Mr. Kaleb Mwendwa (Grants Office) and Mr. Hesbon Amwayi, who was standing in for Dr. Dennis Ochieno (Webometrics and Short Courses).

The Division of Planning Research and Innovation plays a critical role within the University, driving innovation, academic excellence, and the development of solutions to real-world challenges. It is prudent for students to understand the need for research from the onset of their academic journey. Certainly, this session empowered the students to contribute to creation of knowledge, collaborate with faculty on innovative projects, and elevate their academic as well as professional profiles.

By Caren Nekesa  and Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu  and Steven Omondi 

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