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Vice Chancellor Addresses Over 6,000 First-Year Students in a Historical Event Graced by Kakamega County Governor and MMUST Chairperson of Council

The Vice Chancellor of Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Prof. Solomon Shibairo has officially addressed over six thousand (6,000) freshmen in a historical event that was graced by the Governor of Kakamega County, H.E FCPA Fernandes Barasa and the MMUST Chairperson of Council, Dr. Pamela Sitienei. The event, which took place on Monday, 9th September, 2024 at the graduation square, was a culmination of a week-long rigorous orientation process.

While addressing the first-year students, the Governor appreciated the Vice Chancellor and the entire leadership of the University for steering one of the greatest Universities in the region. “I have a special attachment to MMUST and my Government is committed to continue with the collaboration we have had with the institution over the years in industrial attachment, student mentorship and beefing up of security,” said FCPA Barasa. He pledged his support for MMUST especially in acquisition of more land for purposes of research and expansion of programmes. “Plans are underway to complete the Kakamega County General Teaching and Referral Hospital, whose construction is anticipated to be over in the next 12 months. This hospital, with a bed capacity of 750, will support programmes in the School of Nursing and the School of Medicine,” he added.


Guests enjoy a light moment of entertainment during the Vice Chancellor’s address to first-years.

“We are here to support the Vice Chancellor on his big day, as we usher in the 2024 first-year students. I have noted with pleasure that this year we have admitted a large number of students, who have thronged our beautiful institution to pursue higher education. MMUST is a student-centred University with versatile, dynamic and market driven academic programs. We have professionally trained academic and non-academic staff with requisite skills,” stated Dr. Sitienei. She invited the County Government of Kakamega to invest in infrastructural development, ICT, research, the performing arts, as well as staff and students of MMUST.

Speaking during the event, Prof. Shibairo recognized the support of the MMUST Council in ensuring that academic and development activities of the University run smoothly. He also appreciated the County Government of Kakamega, led by H.E FCPA Barasa, for partnering with MMUST in its academic endeavours and projects.


The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, addresses 2024 first-year students at the graduation square.

 “This is a very special day for us, as it is not custom for the Governor or the Chairperson of Council to attend the VC’s address to first-years. The Governor is a friend of this University, who has supported us in many ways, and I am glad that he has joined us today in welcoming our freshmen,” pointed out the Vice Chancellor. He urged the incoming students to engage in activities that will add value to their academic and personal growth, adding that they should make education their top priority.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs), Prof. Hussein Golicha, reiterated that this cohort has been oriented about how to lead a successful campus life. “We expect you to graduate at the top of your respective classes,” stated Prof. Golicha. On her part, the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Josephine Ngaira, presented the VC’s profile, praising him as a committed community servant who has always championed education to transform lives. “The University has three main functions, that is academics, research and community engagement, all of which the Vice Chancellor has accomplished” said Prof. Ngaira. Notably, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance), Prof. John Kuria Thuo, was also present at the event.


The Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning, Research and Innovation), Prof. Josephine Ngaira and the Registrar (Academic Affairs), Prof. Judah Ndiku, consult during the event.

The Registrar (Academic Affairs), Prof. Judah Ndiku, who has been coordinating the orientation process since the students reported last week, echoed that MMUST received a large number of students compared to last year. “The entire admission process has been seamless and highly digitalized. We look forward to kicking off the academic year with the online registration of courses by the first-year students,” he said.

The well-attended event attracted senior officers from the County, Members of the University Management Board, Professors of MMUST, Deans and Directors, Chairpersons of Departments, Union Leaders (UASU, KUSU and KUDHEIHA), staff, student leaders and continuing students.


A section of 2024/2025 first-year students at the graduation square.

Such events are crucial because they highlight the importance of sensitizing young University entrants into the higher education processes and traditions. They mark the beginning of a new academic journey, which later culminates into graduation once the students complete their course work and requisite examinations. Indeed, this was one such event and the first-years were able to not only meet the Vice Chancellor, but also the Chairperson of Council and the County boss, all in one sweep.

By Dr. Lydia Anyonjeand Wangari Wambugu 

Photos by Shiundu Masafu 

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