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MMUST’s Dr. Humphrey Agevi Awarded the Prestigious Saleemul Huq Memorial Scholarship to Conduct ‘Loss and Damage Research!


agevi profileDr. Humphrey Agevi, a climate change scientist from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s (MMUST), Department of Biological Sciences has been honored with the prestigious Saleemul Huq Memorial Scholarship, an Award for Loss and Damage Research. Dr. Agevi is one of the 25 recipients selected from across Asia, Africa, the Pacific, the Caribbean, and Latin America, who have received a research grant of USD 5,000, with an additional USD 1,000 to support travel and research related expenses. Dr. Agevi’s work, like that of other recipients, will focus on developing locally driven, practical solutions to climate-related challenges. His research will contribute to a growing body of evidence that informs adaptation strategies and enhances global understanding of climate impacts. The outputs are expected to offer replicable solutions that can be adapted to other regions facing similar challenges.

The official announcement of the scholarship recipients was made on 9th September, 2024, during the launch of the South-South-North peer review network. The network’s initiative aims to facilitate knowledge exchange, improve research quality, and foster collaboration across regions. Additionally, the event saw the unveiling of the Comprehensive Climate Impact Quantification (C-CIQ) Toolkit, a ground-breaking resource that combines participatory methodologies with economic valuation techniques to enable comprehensive climate risk assessments and development of context specific locally led solutions.

The Saleemul Huq Scholarship, established under the Alliance for Locally Led Transformative Action on Loss and Damage (ALL ACT), supports local experts and organizations in highlighting how climate change affects communities. By bridging local experiences and global policy, this initiative will help shape frameworks such as IPCC assessments and promote the importance of non-economic losses, including cultural heritage and social cohesion. It will also build capacity and amplify the voices of those overlooked in national and global climate discourse.

Dr. Agevi’s scholarship represents a significant opportunity to advance global understanding of loss and damage through grassroots research, ultimately helping to operationalize the Loss and Damage Fund.

To learn more about Dr. Agevi’s work and other recipients, click on these links. and respectively.

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