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MMUSO Leadership Inducted on University and Global Challenges

MMUSO InductionThe 2nd MMUSO Student Executive Council and the Parliament underwent a Leadership Induction from 11th - 14th July, 2018, at the Green Park Villa in Kakamega. The induction was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Eng. Fred Otieno.

While addressing the student leaders, Prof. Otieno emphasized the need for honesty among them. “As you undergo this induction, one thing I want you to bear in mind is that popularity can never be a quality of good leadership. A good leader is one who can see beyond the rest, and be an honest team player,” he said.

Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Josephine Ngaira, advised the student leaders to maintain high level of etiquette in their work, and be role models to the rest. She further urged them to observe protocol while addressing matters concerning student welfare. She introduced the new leadership motto ‘Leaving No One Behind’ to mobilize teamwork that is necessary for their achievement as leaders.

The main topics covered during the induction included Diplomacy and Protocol, Stress Management, Youth Mentorship, Radicalization and Religious Extremism, Counseling Skills, Financial Management and Entrepreneurship. Such topics were aligned to global developments that leaders around the world need to be aware of, which the University Management gives high priority. The process was facilitated by the Dean of Students Dr. Bernadette Abwao, University Chaplain Rev. Dr. Willis Otuya, Chair of MMUST Electoral Commission Dr. Judah Ndiku, Head of Student Counseling Pauline Adhiambo, Assistant Student Counselor Milka Aswa, and the Finance Officer Stella Kabuga.

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