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“Embrace a Culture of Research and Innovation” says the Chancellor

IMG 5755MMUST Chancellor Dr. Peter Muthoka has challenged staff and students to strengthen the culture of research and innovation as the key drivers to Africa’s development. This was during a pre-graduation meeting with the University Council at the Karen Country Club in Nairobi on 16th November 2018. Dr. Muthoka, who was among the key founders of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), expressed his joy being a leader in this institution of higher learning. “Back in the early 1970s, when the then President of the Republic of Kenya the Late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta came up with the idea of setting up JKUAT at Juja, we all had a vision of having a research and innovation-driven economy.
As the MMUST Chancellor, I wish to see research and innovation inbuilt into the activities of this university with emphasis on the Presidential Big Four Agenda” said Dr. Muthoka. 
In a rejoinder, the University Council Chairman Dr. Jeremy Bundi encouraged MMUST researchers and innovators to expand their activities beyond international borders. “Through research and innovation activities within postgraduate programmes in Diplomacy and International Relations as well as Peace and Conflict Studies offered by the School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA), MMUST could expand into countries like Somalia and South Sudan and help promote peace and stability” said Dr. Bundi. 
Present during the meeting were members of the University Council including the Representative of the Principal Secretary in the National Treasury, Dorothy Kimeu, Representative of the Principal Secretary of State Department of University Education and Research, Ministry of Education, Archbishop Titus Zakayo Ingana, Dr. Samson Muchelule, Joyce Nderitu, Vayonda Sirma Koross, Kosiom Frank Ole Kibelekenya, Remmy Ogalo Riaroh, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Eng. Fred Otieno, and the Council Secretary Immerqulate Ayodo. In attendance were the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academics and Student Affairs, Prof. Josephine Ngaira, Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Dr. Patrick Ojera, and the Director Corporate Communications and Marketing, Dr. Dennis Ochieno.      
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