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Enhancing Research Culture Through the Melting Pot Seminar

The Melting Pot Research Seminar, organized and coordinated by the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies (DPS), was held on Friday, February 15, 2019. The Seminar is an innovation of MM UST which is designed to enhance the research culture at the University to provide an opportunity for researchers to network, have a forum for mentors and mentees as well as have high powered guests to impact knowledge on students.


In his presentation during the seminar, Prof. John Obiri, the Director of Postgraduate Studies, discussed on how the Directorate enhances the quality of research in MM UST.
'The Directorate has a Board of Management whose work is to strengthen and facilitate research, provide support, strengthen postgraduate scholarships and ensure that graduates are able to bridge gaps between them and professionals', he said.

The Directorate is also responsible for advising and admitting postgraduate students, examination and records management as well as ratifies proposals, supervise students, and approve deferment of studies or change of study mode. Prof. Obiri highlighted that lack of fees, marriage, lapsed work-study leave and extended holiday breaks as some of the reasons that heavily affect postgraduate students and their studies. He also insisted on the importance of research collaboration and networking.


Read More on MMUST News Post Vol 2 Issue 5

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