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In Quest for International Collaborations

The Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology 2015/16 - 2019/20 Strategic Plan lists Internationalization, Collaboration and Linkages as one of its strategic issue. Under this Strategic Issue Nine, the University undertakes to enhance collaborative and linkage activities with local, national and international partners. Through the Directorate of International Relations and Academic Linkages, the University received and hosted Prof. Ganesh Koramannil of Charles Darwin University (CDU), Australia, as from 181h to 22nd February 2019. The visit by Prof. Ganesh came as a follow-up of visit to Australia by Dr. Catherine Aurah, the Director, International Relations and Academic Linkages in November 2018.


Charles Darwin University is located in the Northern Territory of Australia, which is closer, in many respects, to the vast populations of Asia than to the Southern Australian states. CDU is deeply engaged with, and informed by, Australia's indigenous people. It operates on the lands of many strong indigenous nations hence respecting the knowledge and culture of aboriginal people. Due to this, the institution has set up the College of Indigenous Futures, Arts and Society which seeks to promote people, communities and cultures. CDU is also in partnership with indigenous businesses such as fishing, tourism, crocodile farming, agriculture and horticulture.

 Read More on MMUST News Post Vol 2 Issue 6

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