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Remembering a Hero. The Late Hon. Masinde Memorial Lecture and Service

A Memorial Public Lecture and Service in honor of the late Hon. Henry Pius Masinde Muliro was held on 12th and 14th August 2019 respectively. The Memorial Public Lecture was held at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology while the memorial service took place at the late anti-colonial activist’s home in Sibanga, Trans-Nzoia County. These marked the inaugural 27th Anniversary Celebrations for the late political leader who played a central role in shaping the political landscape in Kenya.


Speaking during the Public Lecture, the Ag.VC, Prof. Asenath Sigot said that the late Hon. Masinde Muliro was a firm believer in education and that Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) was a dream in the imagination of a young man. She added that as an institution, MMUST is honored and privileged to be named after such an icon. Prof. Sigot said that the memorial public lecture will be made an annual event.

The keynote addresses were given by Prof. John Shiundu and Prof. Frank Matanga on the topics ‘The Place of Masinde Muliro in the History of Kenya; A fight for Multipartyism and Democracy’ and ‘A Dream in the Imagination of a Young Man; Masinde Muliro University’ coming to fruition. Prof. Shiundu talked about the late fiery MP’s stewardship in the formation of WECO (Western College) of Applied Sciences which became WUCST (Western University College of Science and Technology) and was later renamed Masinde Muliro university of Science and Technology (MMUST). He said that several names were proposed but some people tried to oppose the naming of the institution after the late Masinde Muliro.

 Read More on the MMUST News Post Volume 3 Issue 9

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