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MMUST Staff undergo TVET CDACC Training in Competency Based Assessment (CBA)

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) members of staff, through the Directorate of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) at the institution, went through training in Competency Based Assessment (CBA) on Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd August, 2019. The CBA training, which was carried out by representatives from the TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC), laid emphasis on competence based education and training given that the competence based curriculum is already rolled out in training institutions.

MMUST Ag. DVC (ASA), Dr. Bernadette Sabuni said that the University is aware that Kenya is experiencing increasing unemployment among youths and that the quality of outcomes of the current tertiary education system is low and unable to respond to the expectations of employers. She added that a large number of individuals in Kenya develop skills through the traditional apprentice programmes, for which they obtain no certification and hence no formal recognition of their competences.

“The University is of the view that this can be resolved by the introduction of Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) approach. This is an outcome based, and industry centered and flexible mode of training delivery where the emphasis is placed on the acquisition of competencies,” she said. Dr. Sabuni, who spoke on behalf of the Ag.VC, Prof. Asenath Sigot, said that MMUST is committed to supporting the capacity building of its lecturers and instructors in the area of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) with special emphasis on the tertiary education sub-sector. She thanked the TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC) for supporting the University in building the capacity of its staff to fully participate in CBET. Additionally, she said that the University is looking forward to partnering with TVET CDACC to deliver sound TVET programs, based on the CBET approach, in Western region and beyond.

Speaking during the training, the Director of TVET at MMUST, Dr. Samuel Waweru, said that the Ministry of Education identified Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) as a technical University in 2015 with the mandate of offering TVET programmes (undergraduate, diploma and certificate). He added that the University has gone ahead to admit students in various TVET programmes which were approved by the University Senate and accredited by TVETA in the year 2016.

“Close to 2,000 students are undertaking these programmes in MMUST. More programmes are in the pipeline for submission and accreditation by TVETA,” Dr. Waweru.

Dr. Waweru added that the CBA training by CDACC was meant to equip MMUST members of staff who are coordinating the TVET programmes in their respective Schools and Departments with knowledge and skills on how to implement Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) in MMUST.

“These staff members will act as our ambassadors in the Departments and will assist in curriculum development of CBET programmes and in the implementation process. I, therefore, wish to thank the TVET Curriculum Development, Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC) for supporting the University in preparing for the implementation of the CBET curriculum,” he concluded.
TVET CDACC linkage with TVET institutions such as MMUST is important in ensuring training institutions provide competent staff, establishment of training needs by carrying out training needs assessments, providing necessary tools, equipment and materials, management of trainees’ records and assisting in the development and acquisition of training materials.

Mr. Ronald Kimitei, a TVET CDACC secretariat, said that the training was meant to ensure development of TVET Curriculum effectively, make TVET programmes more practice-based, conduct competence based assessment and train TVET trainers and other stakeholders on how to conduct competency based assessment. He said that CBET also focuses on what trainees are expected to do rather than just acquisition of knowledge and attitudes. Mr. Kimitei added that implementation of competence based curriculum will improve employability and competency of TVET graduates and contribute towards attainment of BIG 4 Agenda and Vision 2030.

TVET CDACC has the mandate of undertaking design and development of curricula for the training institutions’ examination, assessment and competence certification. TVET CDACC has developed over 200 curricula and occupational standards in fields such as agri-preneurship, airport operations, beauty therapy, broadcast journalism, Christian ministry, cyber security, fashion design, front office operations, baking technology among others. The Council also awards certificates to individuals who have gone through training in competence based assessment.

 Read more on the MMUST News Post Volume 3 Issue 10

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