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MMUST Literature and Language Education (LLE) Department takes the lead to launch their first book on ‘Communication Skills: A handbook for students’

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) has once more attained global recognition and joined the international higher education trend setters after launching a book on Communication Skills published by its own leading scholars in the Literature and Language Education Department (LLE). MMUST can now boast of academics who produce knowledge not only for their students but also for the universal audience. The book has eight (8) chapters and has been edited by Dr. David Barasa and Dr. Benard Mudogo both of LLE department. The authors of the book are Dr. David Barasa, Dr. Lucy Mandillah, Dr. Benard Mudogo, Dr. Atichi Alati, Dr. Tobias Omondi and Ms. Hazel Kubebea. This great team of intellectuals has ensured the success of this important publication that will now aid the studies of many students not only at MMUST but also across the nation.

Speaking during the book launch, Ms. Rose Auma, the chairperson of the LLE department said that the publication was critical since ‘Communication Skills’ is an essential course pursued by all undergraduate students at the beginning of their professional studies at the university level. The Book launch was well attended by students who were very excited about the rare extra mile that their lecturers took to ensure their communication skills are well taken care of through such publications. They lauded the six authors who took part in writing the book. The event was also graced by the Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM) team comprising of Dr. Lydia Anyonje, Mr. Wilberforce Shiundu and Ms. Linet Owuor. Clearly, the LLE book launch is a significant contribution to the corporate image and reputation of our great University.

‘Communication Skills: A handbook for Students’, which is retailing at eight hundred Kenya shillings (Kshs.800), deals with Introduction to Communication Skills; Library and Research Skills by Dr. David Barasa; Listening and Note taking skills by Dr. Benard Mudogo; Oral Presentation Skills and Soft skills in Communication by Dr. Lucy Mandillah; Reading Skills by Ms. Kubebea; Academic Writing skills by Dr.Tobias Omondi; Study and Examination skills by Dr. Atichi Alati. Emphasizing on the importance of the book to students at the University level, Dr. Mudogo affirmed that the content of the book will upscale communication skills in general. Dr. Lucy Mandillah further quantified that we all need communication skills to be able to interact well with other people therefore, the book should be taken with the seriousness it deserves. Dr. David Barasa and Dr. Mandillah contributed two chapters each.

Dr. Barasa who is the coordinator of publications and research in the LLE department, vowed that the department would publish many more books in the near future. He expressed the need for MMUST community to embrace the culture of ownership by writing and publishing their own books. He reiterated that it is time for MMUST academics to uphold their academic freedom and expertise by participating in the national, regional and global knowledge assembly, as expected of higher institutions of learning.

By Linet Owuor and Lydia Anyonje
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