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MMUST rolls out Its Largest Batch Of Granduands into the Job Market in a Colorful 14th Graduation Ceremony

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) on Friday 6th December, 2019 rolled out its largest number of graduands ever during the 14th graduation ceremony. The theme of this year’s graduation was; “Re-engineering Higher Education through Competency based Training, Research and Innovation.”


In a colorful event that was graced by the University Chancellor Dr. Peter Wanyaga Muthoka, the University presented a total of four thousand six hundred and thirty three (4,633) graduands to be conferred with masters degrees, bachelors degrees, award of diplomas and certificates. Kaimosi Friends University College (KAFUCO) and Turkana University College (TUC) which are constituent universities of MMUST produced 257 and 51 graduands respectively adding up to the total number of 4,633 graduands.

It was a special moment worth the celebrations for the University as it graduated the first Doctor of Philosophy in French in Kenya who successfully defended her PhD in French in Kenya unlike previous ones that were defended outside the country. This great achievement was courtesy of Dr. Rose Auma and her able supervisor Prof. Muteba Kazadi.

The most unique aspect of this year’s graduation ceremony was the fact that it entailed the launch of two new University buildings, namely, the Administration block and School of Medicine’s Anatomy Laboratory. MMUST also launched its 2019/20-2022/23 Strategic Plan which outlined the role of the University in the realization of national and international development including the Presidential Big Four Agenda. The Strategic Plan also focuses on student services, consultancy services, financial growth sustainability, institutional capacity, research, innovation, extension services and academic excellence.

The University Chancellor Dr. Peter Muthoka emphasized on the need to strengthen the culture of research and innovation for Kenya’s renaissance. On the other hand, the Acting University Vice Chancellor Prof. Asenath Sigot reiterated that MMUST looks forward to becoming a centre of global academic excellence. This year’s graduation theme, “Re-engineering Higher Education through Competency based Training, Research and Innovation, aligns well with our commitment in developing talents and skills for a greater and a better Kenya,” said Dr. Jeremy Bundi, the University Chairman of Council.

The Director of Ceremonies of the 14th graduation was Dr. Lydia Anyonje, Director of Corporate Communication and Marketing assisted by Mr. Gabriel Bombo, a technical staff in the department of Journalism and Mass Communication.

 By Linet Owuor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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