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MMUST Optometry Department reaps Big From The Staff Exchange Program With Norway Government.

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST), currently the only University in Kenya offering Optometry at degree level, has benefited greatly from the Staff Exchange program with the Norway Government. MMUST is the pioneer of Optometry in the entire East African region. Being so young in the field of Optometry, the University is in collaboration with the government of Norway to ensure capacity building and establishment of a variety of Optometry courses at MMUST.


The collaboration has enabled the department to receive two optometry specialists from Norway, Ms. Idah and Ms. Guro. The duo has been working in the University eye clinic where they have been providing eye health care to patients and at the department as part time lecturers. MMUST will be receiving sophisticated Optometry equipments worth 20 million courtesy of the Norway government. This will see the University get to the tertiary eye health care level and in a better position to compete with the leading eye health care facilities such as Tenwek, Sabatia, Kikuyu hospital and Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH).

Speaking during the farewell dinner organized by the Optometry department for Ms. Idah and Ms. Guro, Mr. Sowayi who was acting as the dean of the School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBST) as well as representing the Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning, Research and Innovation (DVC, PRI), expressed his appreciation on behalf of the University to their visiting eye specialists. He said that the department of Optometry has gained significantly from the collaboration. “We treasure and appreciate this collaboration, our visitors have influenced our work ethics and their coming has exposed some of us to different outlook of life,” said Mr. Sowayi. He assured the optometry students that the partnership has provision for both the students and staff exchange therefore they look forward to taking some of their students for the exchange program in Norway.

The event that was well attended by the staff and students from Optometry department was graced by Dr. Lydia Anyonje the Director of Corporate Communications and Marketing who reiterated the importance of the exchange program to our University. She further urged Ms. Ida and Ms. Guro to be good ambassadors of MMUST in Norway for a positive global image of the University.

Mr. Waswa, an Optometry student at MMUST and the chairman of Optometry Students Association attested to the practical experiences they learnt through their visiting lecturers courtesy of the exchange program. A career in health or optometry is one that requires an individual to be able to adapt to different multi-cultural settings and work environments; this has been achieved through this great collaboration.

The exchange program is set to take another big angle if the scholarship program that will enable student mobility and staff from MMUST to enroll for PhD in the University of South East Norway, Optometry Institute becomes a reality.

By Linet Owuor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,  and Shiundu Wilberforce This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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