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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology receives assorted Machine Equipment from West Kenya Sugar Company Ltd as the first step towards Collaboration

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) has received assorted engineering equipment from West Kenya Sugar Company as part of the imminent collaboration between the two organizations. The reputable Sugar Company has earmarked MMUST for long term collaboration and industrial linkages not only in the area of engineering but also in a host of other areas. The project initiated by the Executive Dean School of Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE) Mr. Benard Obondo, has seen the University receive diverse machine parts and equipment that will now aid the practical training of the MMUST engineering students.


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 Engineering is one of the technical courses that require practical aspects. A good student should therefore get much exposure, be able to identify and assemble the various parts of a machine. This equips the students with hands on skills which are vital for their career progression. Commenting on the anticipated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will soon be signed between West Kenya Sugar Company and MMUST, Mr. Moses Apunde, the Executive Assistant to the Managing Director of West Kenya Sugar Company Ltd. stated that such a partnership has great benefits. “There is abundant potential in our local universities. West Kenya has earmarked MMUST as a viable partner in engineering. We can also partner in carrying out Community Social Responsibility (CSR) in the region and engage in joint curriculum development.” said Mr. Apunde. Curriculum Development can and should involve stakeholders in the industry.

Speaking during the bilateral meeting, the Company Human Resource person Mr. Duncan Abwao assured the MMUST team of their continued support. He further stated that their partnership will not only help in bridging the gap in the job market but also assist the two parties to develop a curriculum that identifies what is relevant and is currently required. “Establishment of Industry –University linkages will upgrade skills in the region and align resources to what the country requires,” added Mr. Abwao.
MMUST is among the leading higher institutions of learning that are training all round graduates in the field of engineering. This was attested to by Mr. Moses Apunde, an alumnus of MMUST who is currently among the senior managers of West Kenya Sugar Company Ltd. According to the outspoken engineer, there are many other MMUST alumni holding senior positions in the company including the head of Mechanical Mills department Mr. Thaddeus Wafula. Seven of the technologists at West Kenya Sugar Company are alumni from MMUST.
Other engineers from the university included the Chairman of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Mr. Paul Rotich and Mr. Maurice Okanya a lecturer at the department of Electrical and Communication Engineering.

MMUST is looking forward to formalize the partnership by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with West Kenya Sugar Company Limited.

By Linet Owuor and Albert Induli
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