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The Cabinet Secretary for Education Prof. George Magoha today commended Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) on their preparedness for post Covid reopening during an inspection tour of the institution. “I have been part of this University from its conception and I can attest to the great work that has been done. I am therefore happy to say that this institution is ready to open” said Prof. Magoha.

Prof. Magoha began his inspection by visiting the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) which hosts a large number of students during lectures. He expressed his satisfaction with what the University has put in place to ensure adherence with the Ministry of Health guidelines to combat the spread of the lethal virus, COVID-19.
He further cautioned the University Management to stop petty politics and focus on building the University to greater heights. Prof. Magoha also urged the students to be cooperative with the management to enable continuity of learning through online platforms. He advised the University to avail special exams to those students who will be unable to access the online learning and examinations. “This is one of the top universities in Kenya, an excellent institution that I am determined to nurture”, he asserted

Speaking during the event, MMUST Council Chairperson Dr. Jane Mutua pledged her support of the institution, adding that the Ag. VC Prof. Solomon Shibairo is doing a very good job in managing the University. “Let us all work together and build this great University”, she said. Addressing members of the media after the ministerial inspection, Ag. Vice Chancellor stated that despite the challenges of COVID-19, MMUST is ready and willing to do all that it takes in order to ensure that the students who are due for graduation this year can graduate.

However, the Cabinet Secretary highlighted a few areas that the University requires to improve to ensure full compliance with the Ministry of Health guidelines. He advised that more hand washing points be installed at various sections of the university with the observation of one metre social distance. The renowned professor also directed that the staff working in sensitive areas like the kitchen be provided with proper attire and surgical masks to curb any infections from their places of work.

Prof. Magoha was accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Education. The University managers present during the inspection included Council member Mr. Joshua Odhiambo, Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning Research and Innovation- Prof. Judith Achoka, Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and Finance- Prof. Charles Mutai, Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and Student Affairs- Prof. Peter Odera, Registrar Academics Prof. Thomas Sakwa and Registrar Administration Ms Racheal Atamba. Other notable leaders included MMUST COVID-19 Committee Chairman RTD. COL Prof. John Okoth and Former Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning, Research and Innovation Prof. John O. Shiundu. The event was also attended by MMUST Union officials- Prof. Samuel Kubasu (UASU), Prof. Stanley Omuterema (UASU), and Mr. Robinson Oduma (UASU), Mr Ronald Wamalwa (KUSU), Onzere Mulongo (KUSU) as well as Deans, Directors, Chairmen of Departments and student leaders.

 By Lydia Anyonje This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and Linet Owuor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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