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Once again, MMUST has shown leadership and expertise in matters of science and technology. Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology on 21st this month hosted the yearly Biophysical Society- Kenya Chapter conference through zoom. The conference was spearheaded by MMUST’s Mr. Philip Amuyunzu who is the President of Biophysical Society (Kenya Chapter). Biophysics is an interdisciplinary science that applies the theories traditionally used in physics to study biological phenomena. The conference, which was organized using a Special Grant, attracted scholars in the Chemistry, Biology and Physics fields from various institutions in Kenya.
Speaking during the conference, the Executive Dean of the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS) Prof. William Shivoga expressed his gratitude to the Biophysical Society of Kenya for granting MMUST the opportunity to host this year’s conference. He urged the members to put more effort in strengthening Biophysics not only in Kenya but Africa at large. During one of the sessions, Mr Amuyunzu noted that the virtual conference has greatly benefitted the researchers and young scholars at MMUST.  “This has ensured exposure of our staff to establishment of linkages, career opportunities, travel grants for networking events, joint effort in lobbying for equipment essential in the research of Biophysics and has left everyone more knowledgeable and informed on matters of Biophysics,” said Mr. Amuyunzu.
The Annual Biophysical conference exhibited several paper presentations from different scholars. Mr. Tavasi Ndombi, a Bio-informatics Masters student at MMUST presented his well-researched paper alongside Mr. Amuyunzu who also presented his research work on ‘Protection index elicited by 35 to 60Khz of droughted sound of Odorana tormota in Malaria vector.’ Presenters from other institutions included Dr. Onesmus Maweu from South Eastern University Kenya (SEKU) and Prof. Harrison Tsingalia from Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOUST)                                                                           
 The institutions represented in the well attended  conference  included MMUST, Egerton University, Maasai Mara University, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University (JOUST), South Eastern University Kenya (SEKU), Kabianga University, Chuka University and Moi University. Other scholars present during the conference included the patron of the Biophysical Society Prof. Rotich from Moi University, deputy president of Biophysical Society Dr. Kamweru from Chuka University, Dr. Jackline Makatiani-Moi University, MMUST’s Physics Chairman of Department, Dr. Bonface Ndinya, Dr. Victor Odari, Dr. Humphrey Agevi, Dr. Benard Omogo, Dr. Ombiro-Maasai Mara and Ms. Caitlin Simpson from Biophysical Society of Kenya among others.
By Lydia Anyonje This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Linet Owuor This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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