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In a showcase of maturity, collegiality and integrity, the just concluded Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Deans of Schools elections have effectively catapulted the institution into a towering embodiment of high democratic ideals.

Speaking during the occasion, MMUST’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo encouraged Deans to embrace Information Communication Technology (ICT) and use it extensively once they take up their new mandates. “As Deans, you are becoming leaders at a very dynamic time during which you may not see your students face to face for a whole year, you need to acquaint yourselves with ICT and ensure that your staff teach students online,” urged Prof. Shibairo. Commenting on the need for the Deans to have a strategy, the renowned Professor of Horticulture advised the new managers to study the critical documents governing the University and if possible, create new ones. “You must uphold integrity and embrace research. There’s need for all of you to ensure diversity of communities and gender,” he stated

The schools that elected deans included School of School of Agriculture Veterinary Sciences and Technology (SAVET), School of Business Education (SOBE), School of Education (SEDU), School of Natural Science (SONAS), School of Nursing Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences (SONMAPS), School of Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE)and School of Public Health Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBS&T).

The winners of the Dean’s elections who carried the day were Dr. Joseph Owino- SONAS, Prof. Moses Poipoi- SEDU, Dr. Robert Egessa-SOBE, Dr. John Arudo- SONMAPS, Prof. Jacob Wakhungu-SAVET, Dr. Benerdette Sabuni-SEBE and Prof. Edwin Wamukoya- SPHBS&T. The highlight of the event was the swearing-in ceremony which was administered by Mr. Greg Ombito, an Advocate and Commissioner of oaths.

Presiding over this election were the members of the Deans Electoral Board who included the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Peter Odera, the Chairman of the Electoral Board Prof. J.O Shiundu, Prof. J. Muoma, Prof. Thomas Sakwa, Dr. Pamela Buhere, Dr. Samuel Waweru, Dr. Boniface Ndinya and Rev. Dr. Willis Otuya.

This was an election with a very high voter turnout that sparked a lot of interest. According to the Returning Officer Prof. Peter Odera, the process was free, fair and open. “It is always good to elect people who are competent and have the ability to move the respective schools to the next level,” he said. Prof. Shiundu who was the Chairman of the Elections Board assured the media team that the voting began on time and was carried out systematically. “We are going to deliver a credible election,” the eminent educationist declared. On his part, the Head of Secretariat of the Election Board, Prof. Sakwa, said that the voters register had been cleaned to the satisfaction of all. “We issued certificates to the Deans elected on the spot!” he pointed out.

Seven out of 11 schools participated. Three schools did not participate because the tenure of the holders of the position of Dean for those schools had not come to an end. These schools were School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS), School of Computing and Centre for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance CDMHA. However, one school, the School of Medicine did not participate because of technical problems.

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