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MMUST is among the Universities targeted by a France-based agency for student exchange programs and study opportunities in higher education. The manager of ‘Campus France Kenya’, Ms. Solveig Gathelier, was at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology on Thursday, 29th October, 2020 to speak to staff and students about studying opportunities in France. According to Ms. Gathelier, students do not necessarily have to speak in French for them to study there.


2novOn the front row from right, Dr. Rose Auma, Ms. Joyce Kasili, Ms. Solveig Gathelier, Ms. Halima Nsangu, Prof. Isidore Muteba Kazadi and Dr. Lydia Anyonje, pose for a group photo with students.

“There are many programmes that are taught in English but the only problem is that they are offered in private institutions which are expensive,” she said, adding that scholarship programmes are not available at Bachelors and Masters levels, unless there is a specific partnership between a Kenyan University and a University in France. However, she said that there are plenty of scholarships at PhD level.

She advised students to prepare well financially before taking a step to study in France. “Everyone has a personal responsibility of ensuring that they support themselves financially. While in France, there are many things you can do as a student to support yourself. You can work at restaurants, coffee shops or even within your institution,” she stated.

Speaking during a courtesy call at the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and Student Affairs), Dr. Rose Auma, COD Language and Literature Education (LLE), said that there are a number of Memoranda of Understanding between MMUST and France in different departments. Subsequently, she pointed out that the fully equipped University Resource Center was set up by the French Embassy, and has been visited by three (3) French Ambassadors since then.

“The Embassy has really supported us. We have had several full sponsorships from the Embassy as well as training of students,” she said. Further, Dr. Rose Auma said that MMUST offers French courses in Hospitality, Disaster Management, and Journalism programmes.

MMUST is making great strides globally. Six (6) of its French students are currently stationed in different towns of France on a 7-month exchange programme. Two (2) of them, namely Ngao Ndunda and Samson Juma, were in France before on the same project and as a result of their excellent performance, their contracts were renewed. It is worth noting that Ndunda was the best French student during 2019’s graduation ceremony.

Working closely with the French Embassy has potential to yield even greater benefits to both staff and students of MMUST. “If Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with a University in France, the French Embassy can send two or three students to study in France “said Ms. Gathelier

In December last year, LLE graduated Dr. Rose Auma who was the first Kenyan to successfully defend a French PhD in Kenya. This year, the Department is graduating Ms. Joyce Kasili, the second Kenyan PhD student.

“We intend to grow the numbers and get more people speaking the language,” said Dr. Auma, adding that she would like to see French become one of the important languages in the East African Community.


Lydia Anyonje [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wangari Wambugu [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]

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