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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology researchers this week took the lead to champion change management in Higher Education institutions (HE). MMUST hosted the highly illustrated National Multiplication Training which took place on 9th to 13th November, 2020 at the Main Catering Unit hall at the University. This intensive training workshop is part of the DIES programme (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies). These are National Multiplication Trainings (NMT) coordinated by DAAD and aim at strengthening Higher Education management structures in developing countries.



The  workshop was graced by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning and Postgraduate Support, Rev. Prof. Judith Achoka who represented the University Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo. Prof. Shibairo through his speech expressed his gratitude to the National Multiplication Training organizers for choosing MMUST to be the host of the big event. He further noted that he is proud of the collaborations existing between MMUST and visiting institutions represented in the training. “Let this exercise bring about change and practical solutions to the management problems in our institutions,” emphasized Prof. Shibairo.


The brains behind the project were Prof. Julius Maiyo, Associate Professor Kibabii University; Dr. Judah Ndiku an expert in Educational Management and Policy as well as Director, Curriculum Review and Development at MMUST; Dr. Muganda Munir, Senior lecturer and Finance specialist at Kibabii University and Prof. Mary Wahome, Associate Dean School of Arts and Social Sciences, Moi University.

The event attracted highly acclaimed experts and trainers in various fields who were drawn from Universities in Kenya and Germany. The trainers included Dr. Christian Genseuer, Head of Education Division (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany) and Prof. Jackson Too (Head of Research and Development, Commission for University Education)


Participants at the National Multiplication Training were picked from various Universities in Kenya including Kabianga University, Maseno University, Kibabii University, Kaimosi Friends University College, Alupe University, University of Eldoret, Bomet University College, Koitalel University College and Moi University.

Such workshops offer excellent networking platforms that are bound to bring about change in the way universities are run. The NMT workshop has created a pool of alumni who are expected to sustain change management in their home universities.

Lydia Anyonje [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Linet Owuor [lowuorThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]

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