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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) recently hosted a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) workshop from 25th to 27th November, 2020. The purpose of the workshop was to sensitize TVET trainers and coordinators on how to re-align curricula to the standards required by TVETA and to explain to TVET directorate how to apply for accreditation of MMUST TVET Institute. Further, the workshop aimed to create awareness among the directorate and curricula developers on various qualifications as outlined in the Kenya National Qualification Authority (KNQA) guidelines.

This was a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)and Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) curricula semi-virtual workshop, coordinated by MMUST’s TVET Director, Dr. Samuel Waweru. TVET’s agenda is to provide technical and vocational education and training through Competency Based Education and Training (CBET).


Speaking during the event Dr. Beatrice Baraza, representing Registrar, Academic Affairs (AA), Prof. Thomas. Sakwa, pointed out the need for preparation as universities to receive students in time when 2025 comes. “There is a need for collaboration between all stakeholders involved to do surveys, to know what communities require so we can have products that will serve the society”, she said. She further urged Mr. Paul Mureithi, Assistant Director, Standard Development in TVET, to fast-track the process of approval and accreditation in regard to the remaining programs that still need to go through the process. The other expert who presented virtually was Mr. Stanley Maindi from KNQA.

Representing the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academics and Students Affairs (DVC, ASA), Prof. Peter Odera, Prof. Moses Poipoi, pointed out the need for transformation of all programs to CBET to enable realignment with Curriculum Based Education (CBC). “Successful implementation of CBET requires trainers who are equipped with appropriate skills, knowledge and attitude. They need to be open minded, flexible and reflective so that they can integrate views that enable trainees to participate effectively,” added Prof. Poipoi.

Prof. Poipoi, who is also the Dean, School of Education (SEDU), stated that the education system in Kenya is rapidly expanding as seen in the numbers of the technical institutes and polytechnics. The current education system is unable to respond to the expectations of the employer, a situation that has resulted in the need for the introduction of TVET CBET curricula in our Universities.

During his presentation, Mr. Paul Mureithi, outlined various TVETA functions including, regulating and coordinating training, inspecting, licensing, registering and accrediting training institutions and trainers. TVETA also accredits programmes and courses, assures quality and relevance in programmes of training, prescribes the minimum criteria for admission to training institutions and programmes. All these are done in order to promote access, equality and gender parity as well as to collect, examine and publish information relating to training.

The workshop came up with resolutions that will go a long way in realignment of the TVET CBET curricula. Some of the resolutions include: Fast- racking accreditation of MMUST’s TVET Institute by end of December, 2020, all TVET trainers to undergo pedagogy training, management to support hiring of instructors and enhance teaching facilities according to CBET standards and guidelines. In addition, it was resolved that the TVET Institute should be fully operationalized and pursue becoming a centre of excellence in CBET training.

 By Shirley Makomere

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