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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Ag. Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, presented certificates to fifteen (15) staff members who were trained as Integrity Assurance Officers. This was during the 5th Corruption Prevention Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 19th January, 2021 in the Vice Chancellor’s Boardroom.

The five- day training was facilitated by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission from 3rd -7th June 2019 at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology. The training covered the following areas:


  • Identifying and sealing corruption loopholes in the procurement system.
  • Promoting integrity in public financial management.
  •  Attitude change in the fight against corruption. iv. Corruption Reporting.
  • Corruption Risk Assessment.
  • Entrenching good leadership and governance in public service.
  • Identifying and sealing corruption loopholes in human resource
  • Fostering organizational culture that promotes ethics and integrity.
  • Corruption prevention tools and strategies for public sector institutions.
  • Psychology of corruption.
  • The role of Corruption Prevention Committees and Integrity Assurance Officers in mainstreaming ethics, integrity and anti-corruption.


The University Integrity Assurance Officers (IAOs) are mandated to implement the University’s corruption prevention plans, institutionalize corruption prevention, sensitize the University community on corruption prevention, participate in carrying out corruption prevention surveys and corruption risk assessment, identify corruption loopholes and develop mitigation plans to address them.

The Officers were drawn from different Departments and Schools within the University. They include; Dr. Paul Ogenga- School of Education (SEDU), Dr. Wilberforce Cholo- School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology (SPHBS&T), Dr. Ruth Simiyu- School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (SDMHA), Dr. George Lawi- School of Natural Sciences (SONAS), Dr. Jackline Akoth Odero- School of Business and Economics (SOBE), Dr. Vitalis Ogemah- School of Agriculture Veterinary and Technology (SAVET), Mr. Henry Wati- Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (PME), Dr. Lucy Mandillah- School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS), Dr. Bernard Omondi- School of Engineering and the Built Environment (SEBE), Mr. Paul Nasokho- School of Computing and Informatics (SCI), Mr. John Arudo-School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences (SONMAPS), Dr. Beatrice Barasa- Senior Assistant Registrar (Academic Programmes), Mr. Daniel Chirchir- Quality Assurance Directorate, Mrs. Milka Aswa- Dean of Students Office and Ms. W. Chebii from the Finance Department.

 By Ms. Sandra Awuor Dorcas

Read more on the MMUST News Post Volume 5 Issue 2

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