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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology eight (8) Students Executive Council members and forty-two (42) peer educators were taken through a three-day Alcohol and Drug Abuse Training which kicked off on Wednesday 14th April to Friday 16th April 2021 in MCU 001.

The workshop, which was organized by the office of the Dean of Students was themed “Eradicating Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Institutions of Higher Learning”, and was aimed at sensitizing student leadership and the student councillors on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse and how they can be ambassadors against this menace. The 50 participants were taken through a number of topics including, Current Status of Alcohol and Drug Abuse among the Kenyan Youths, Vulnerability and Progress into Addiction, Relationship between Drug Abuse and Crime, Social Challenges Emanating from Drug Abuse, Rehabilitation Process, Life Skills for Managing Drug Abuse, as well as Institutional Support Programs for Alcohol and Drug Abuse within MMUST.

 According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2016, 3.3 million people died out of alcohol and drug abuse, and 12.2 % of Kenyan population aged between the age of 15-65 years are alcohol consumers. Speaking during the official launch of the training, the DVC Academic and Student affairs, Prof. Peter Odera, who doubled as the chief guest, pressed on the importance of the current generation continuous sensitization on alcohol and drug abuse, saying that youngest people get into drug and substance abuse due peer pressure. He reiterated that most drug users have their debut at adolescence, a time when developmentally, the human being is focused on developing a personal identity. This stage is often marked by a number of social experiments, including drug use, which if not well managed, may easily develop into an addiction.


Prof. Peter Odera addressing students during the official launch of the workshop

On the other side, the Dean of Students, Dr. Benardatte Abwao gave highlights on the extent of drug abuse among university students, including MMUST. She emphasized the urgent need to address this growing menace. The Students Counsellor, Ms. Pauline Adhiambo reminded the participants that they had a very important role to play in the fight against drug abuse among the students. After the training, they were expected to advocate for a drug free MMUST by carrying out peer education among the larger student population as well as referral of students facing drug abuse challenges for counseling. The representative from NACADA-Western Region, Mr. George Kasera Argwings highlighted the various programs and activities carried out by the organization in the fight against drug abuse in Kenya.

The show stopper of the event was a session where participants presented real life experiences on drug and substance abuse and skits about drug abuse by the participants. This was the peak of the event, which painted a clear picture of how victims of the menace end up destroying their education and lives in general.

By Shiundu Wilberforce (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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