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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) has taken the lead in reviewing the institution’s academic programs. SASS held its review in a fruitful workshop from 29th to 30th April, 2021 at Farm View Hotel in Busia County. The event was graced by the Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, who emphasized on the need to review programs to conform to the Commission for University Education (CUE) standards.

“Consider the Big Four Agenda, Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) and the emerging technology while doing your evaluation. This will ensure that we have quality programs that will attract students to our University,” stressed Prof. Shibairo. He however, challenged the school to come up with an appropriate number of programs that are sustainable by the University. The renowned Professor of Horticulture encouraged the lecturers to embrace the online learning platform and continue improving methods of teaching and learning at the University.

 The other members of the University Management present at the workshop were; the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics and Student Affairs, Prof. Peter Odera, the Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning Research and Innovation, Rev. Prof. Judith Achoka, the Registrar Administration, Dr. Eglay Tsuma, the Acting Deputy Registrar Academics, Mr. Obengo, the Finance Officer, CPA Jared Rading and the Director Quality Assurance Prof. Vincent Omollo who represented the Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and Finance.

 Prof. Odera stated that the review of the Curriculum should result in programs that will produce proactive students in the job market and make learning student-centered.

“Let us give our programs the seriousness they deserve by making sure we incorporate digital literacy as well as the requirements of CUE and CBC.This will ensure we produce job creators”

 Concurring with Prof. Odera, the DVC Planning Research and Innovation Prof. JSK Achoka urged participants to invest in knowledge and be known for something.

“This is a vital exercise for effective improvement as we aim to provide the best academic programs to our students. Emerge as the best School and make MMUST become the best University in Social Sciences in the global arena,” stated Prof. Achoka.

 The Director, Curriculum Review and Development, Dr. Judah Ndiku, lauded the Dean, SASS for taking up the task to review curriculum for its programs and setting the pace for other schools. Dr. Ndiku gave an assurance that the Directorate of Curriculum Review and Development together with its committee will continue to provide guidance on matters Curriculum Review by putting in place the right structures.

Speaking during the Journalism and Mass Communication break away review session, Dr. Ndiku urged the academic staff to adopt the dynamic changes in the industry by working hand in hand with the stakeholders.

“Give yourself identity while doing course coding, think globally, establish the school and grow,” encouraged Dr. Ndiku.

 The workshop, which brought together experts from various fields, was organized by the Dean- SASS, Dr. Rose Auma and the Chairmen of Departments in the School.

“Our curriculum is our tool of trade, let us conduct review to ensure conformity with the required standards of the 21st century. The terms of reference guiding the review process include; review of existing programs as per the CUE guidelines, completion of the development of new programs in relevant areas and review of course coding for all proposed courses,” stated the Dean SASS, Dr. Auma.

The second day of the workshop involved intensive presentations by respective Chairpersons of Departments on completion of program reviews. It was worth noting from their presentations that there is a need to establish a Universal way of identifying courses of the School. On the other hand, it was emphasized that the ‘common courses’ be retained. A suggestion was also made that an update of references be availed in the University library.

 SASS is comprised of the following various departments in the School with respective Chairpersons. The department of Journalism and Mass Communication headed by Mr. Wafula Nyongesa, Literature and Languages Education by Dr. Fridah Miruka, Criminology and Social Work by Ms. Patricia Kariaga, Geography Department by Mr. Nalyanya Wasike and Social Sciences Education by Dr. Ochieng Ahaya.

 The workshop attracted many specialists from different fields. Some of the facilitators that ensured successful review of the SASS Curriculum included the Regional Coordinator Media Council of Kenya(MCK), Mr. Teddy Oundo, Hansard Reporter Kakamega County Assembly(KCA), Ms. Grace Njeri, Prof. Ogolla Onyango- Laikipia University, Prof. Samazo Onyango- Laikipia University, Prof. Paul Omondi- Moi University Eldoret, Dr. Loreen Maseno- Maseno University and Dr.Onyiko Kennedy from Maasai Mara University.

 The University has resolved to carry out curriculum review in stages and SASS is the first to receive financial support to conduct the exercise. All schools in the University are expected to review their programs.

 By Linet Owuor; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Awuor Sandra Dorcas; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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