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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s School of Education (SEDU), on 3rd May, 2021 held a virtual stakeholders workshop for Educational Psychology Curriculum Review. The review process was steered by the Dean, School of Education Prof. Moses Poipoi. The Workshop was themed ‘Realigning our Programs with the New Education Reforms and Curriculum Innovation.’

Prof. Poipoi stated that Curriculum Review is a critical examination of academic programs to optimize student learning experiences led collaboratively by academic staff who teach within the program.

“The process of curriculum review and enhancement can be a valuable developmental process for both individuals and program teams. It has the potential that when planned and executed well, will improve communication and collaboration between staff leading to a stronger program team ethos and program identity. Therefore, the School of Education is geared towards the underscored cardinal principles,” said Prof. Poipoi.

Prof. Kennedy Bota, the Associate Dean and Coordinator of Research and Graduate Programmes reiterated that the School was keen on improving the quality of students’ education and training.

“We are working on strengthening the relevance of education and training we offer as a School. We are utilizing knowledge to ensure coherent efforts that actively correspond to the acceleration of economic and social development,” added Prof. Bota.

Some of the experts invited to facilitate the review process included Prof. Anne S. Kisilu, Associate Professor in Curriculum Studies from Moi University. Prof. Kisilu made an elaborate presentation on ‘Conceptualizing Competency-Based Curriculum in Higher Education'. She emphasized the need to uphold the Competency-Based Teacher Education Curriculum for the 21st Century to ensure conformity with the current technology.

The other facilitators were Dr Wafula Robert, PhD (Developmental Psychology) and the Director Career Services, Kibabii University, Dr Tsindoli Silyvier, an expert in Education Communication and Technology in Early Childhood as well as a course panellist at Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) for Diploma in Pre-Primary and Primary Teacher Education. Dr Wafula pointed out that Education in the 21st Century should create a seamless transition between learning and earning for sociology economic development.

Speaking during the event, Dr Rose Atieno Opiyo, Coordinator, Stakeholders Engagement for Curriculum Review Committee and Programme Leader for Early Years Education, MMUST, expressed her gratitude to the co-creators of knowledge that graced the occasion. She further indicated that MMUST is currently supporting rapid and intricate changes stemming from a global and national philosophical shift from a knowledge-based society into a Competency-Based Society.

“Rather than relying on a simple accumulation of knowledge and narrow-minded traditional syllabi, our University, and Department by extension, are on the path towards preparing professionals with the right set of skills to fit in today's and future education environments. We are focused to review our programmes in line with the critical aspects of Education reforms and Curriculum Innovation. We are on a mission to reshape our training content, principles and practices by accentuating key competencies that are gaining profound interests both domestically and internationally," outlined Dr Opiyo.

The other members of the Department who made presentations were the Programme Leader, Educational Psychology, Dr Ken Otieno, Programme Leader, Guidance and Counselling, Dr Joel Peter Ogutu and Programme Leader, Special Needs and Inclusive Education, Dr Manson Sichari,

The well-attended session attracted specialists from various fields including County and Sub-County Directors of Education from Kakamega, Bungoma and Vihiga, Educational Assessment Resource Centre (EARC), external examiners, part-time and full-time faculty members, principals, headteachers, directors of Guiding and Counselling institutions and students.

Ms. Linet Owuor


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