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The recent visit to Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology on 8th July 2021 by H.E the Governor, Hon Wycliffe Oparanya is bound to greatly enhance the already cordial working relations between the two government institutions. Hon. Wycliffe Oparanya has been associated with MMUST even before he became the governor. “The partnership between MMUST’s School of Medicine and the County government has allowed MMUST to use facilities for County hospital for teaching and the doctors from the hospital to teach at MMUST. This began in 2015 and will go on up to 2025. We are interested in strengthening the relationship further,” stated H.E Hon. Oparanya.

Speaking during the visit, the Ag. Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo was happy to note that H.E -President Uhuru Kenyatta established a relationship with the government of UK through an MOU which will yield substantial benefits for Universities and hospitals in Kenya. Already, several schools of medicine led by Manchester University are set to establish a centre of excellence of cancer at Kenyatta University Teaching, Research and Referral Hospital to a level where it will be accredited to the UK and European Union.

unnamedMMUST's Ag. VC, Prof. Solomon Shibairo and H.E Hon. Wycliffe Ambetsa Oparanya during the visit at MMUST


Through the Kakamega County Governor, a few regional hospitals including Kakamega County Hospital will be affiliated- regional centers of excellence in cancer treatment, community interventions, mental health and infectious diseases. Pointing out the benefits of MMUST’s symbiotic relationship with the County of Kakamega, the Dean, School of Medicine Dr. Donald Kokonya said there was need for bigger joint projects that will transform the entire East and Central African region.

“There’s need for the Kakamega Referral Hospital to address infectious diseases because the catchment region of the hospital has four international ports of entry at Busia, Malaba, Lwakhaka and Nadapal,” reiterated the illustrious Dean.

“In line with the plans of the Lake Region Economic Block, Sickle Cell, Malaria and HIV AIDS will be based in Kisumu County while health education will be based at Kisii hospital as an East African Headquarter. Through this health alliance the County government of Kakamega will be working with MMUST. Maseno University is working with the County government of Kisumu and Kisii University is working in Kisii County,” said Dr. Kokonya.

All these benefits have emanated from the partnership between UK and Kenya health Alliance, an initiative of H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta. The UK-Kenya alliance will develop research capacities in the Schools of Medicine in MMUST and the entire lake region economic block. The entire package will include exchange program doctors, nurses and lecturers, providing a huge capacity of development for Universities, Schools of Medicine and County governments. Finally, it seems that the region will flourish in matters of development, research and medical education. MMUST’S School of Medicine is certainly part and parcel of this success story.

by  Dr. Lydia Anyonje

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