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The Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Alumni Association has donated a cheque of Ksh. 50000 towards the 16th Graduation ceremony set to take place on 20th August 2021. The cheque was formally presented to the Deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and Finance, Prof. Charles Mutai, on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo.

The cheque was presented by the Secretary General, MMUSTAA, Mr. Kennedy Wabwire on behalf of the Chairperson, Mr. Echesa Lubengu to support the awards of the best performing students the upcoming 16 Graduation ceremony. Mr. Wabwire said that the Alumni are proud of the institution and are delighted to carry out their mandate of giving back to their institution through this gesture.

 “Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is responsible for who we are today,” he stated.

180MMUSTAA Secretary General, Mr. Kennedy Wabwire hands over the cheque to the Ag. DVC PRI A&F Prof. Charles Mutai.

Speaking at the event, the DVC, Administration and Finance Prof.  Charles Mutai pointed out that Alumni are an important facet of the University. He appreciated the MMUST Alumni Executives for being great ambassadors of the University.  

“You are the real University since when you go back to the community, people want to know the university you went to. Big universities got their name from their alumni.” he said as he received the cheque.

Masinde Muliro University appreciates the executive of the Alumni Association: Mr. Echesa Lubengu – Chairperson; Sen. Daisy Kanaiza – Vice Chairperson; Kennedy Wabwire – Secretary General; Samson Nabutola – Organizing Secretary; Charles Otiende – Deputy Organizing Secretary; Ignaitus Nyukuri – Treasurer; Matthews Wakoli – Public Relations Officer and Stanslaus Sifuna – Member

by Wilberforce ShiunduVictor Mukoshi


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