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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) UASU Chapter has proved that Unions are part and parcel of Universities’ community transformation and development agenda. MMUST’s Academic Staff Union (UASU) on 1st of August 2021, carried out a reproductive health education and mentorship initiative at Umina Mixed Day Secondary School in Siaya County. This was part of the University’s Corporate Social Responsibility endeavour to transform communities around through development activities and projects.

The initiative, dubbed , was flagged off at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology by the Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Planning, Research and Innovation(PRI), Rev. Prof. JSK. Achoka. “As a University we need to add value to the community around us. I applaud the MMUST UASU leadership for this initiative aimed at touching the lives of our young generation. The University management fully supports this initiative,” she said.

uasu2The DVC PRI Rev. Prof JSK Achoka flags off UASU team at the University grounds before setting off for Siaya

The event was attended by nearly 60 girls from Ugenya location, Umala Village, both from Primary and Secondary Schools. A few members of Community Based Organisations (CBOs) were also present. CBOs have remained a critical component in the transformation and sustainability of communities such as Umala.

Dr Consolata Lusweti comprehensively educated the young girls on reproductive health issues, with the help of Dr Regina Bwire, who was the overall coordinator of the Health Reproductive activity. Dr Consolata acutely discouraged the youth from falling prey to Bodaboda riders’ baits in exchange for sexual favours. The well-spoken scholar encouraged the parents present to do their best in providing basic needs for their children in order to avoid possible early pregnancies, which will in turn distract the academic journey of the girls involved.

Dr Regina Bwire talked to the girls about reusable sanitary kits before leading MMUST’s UASU team in distributing 3-years re-useable sanitary kits to nearly all the girls present at the event. The few who missed were given one (1) litre of detergent manufactured by the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. The young girls were also provided with refreshments, including bread and soda.

Other MMUST UASU members who were present at the event included Rev. Dr Angela Savala (UASU Treasurer), Dr. Bernard Omogo (UASU Secretary General), Dr. Jairus Odawa, Dr Sabella Cherono and Dr. Joyce Kasili, who spoke to the young ladies. Later in the day, the girls were offered an opportunity for Breast and Cervical Cancer screening by MMUST’s School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences (SONMAPS), who also played the role of guidance and counselling for the girls.

To crown the fruitful event, MMUST UASU members present identified one bright and needy girl, Jenipher Anyango Onyango, who did her KCSE at Umina Primary School and scored 272 marks. Due to financial constraints from Jenipher’s family, she was unable to join secondary school. MMUST UASU members, led by Dr Omogo, thought it wise to support the promising girl for her entire secondary school education. Such initiatives by Universities will certainly transform society for the better.

by  Wilberforce Shiundu Jairus Korir

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