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The University Academic Staff Union (UASU) MMUST Chapter on Saturday, 7th August 2021, carried out a massive tree planting exercise at Mahiakalo Primary School in Kakamega County. This was part of a series of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities that the union intends to undertake. The theme of the CSR activity was ‘Jamii Yetu Wajibu Wetu’.  The UASU team included Dr. Bernard Omogo (Secretary General), Dr. Humphrey Agevi (Deputy Secretary General), Dr. Jairus Odawa (Chairman), Dr. Consolata Lusweti (Vice Chairperson), Dr. Angeline Savala (Treasurer), Mr. Philip Amuyunzu (Organizing Secretary) Prof. Samuel Kubasu (Trustee), Mr. Shadrack Opunde (Trustee), Dr. Regina Bwire (Committee member), Dr. Evans Raballa (Committee member), Dr. Joy Kasili (Delegate), Dr. Sabella Kiprono (Delegate) and Dr. Akinyi Onyango (delegate).

The team was flagged off by Prof. John Muoma on behalf of the Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning, Research and Innovation, Prof. Judith Achoka at the University Administration block. They carried with them 680 seedlings, one of the best gifts we can ever give back to nature. The tree planting event, which involved over three hundred (300) pupils, was coordinated by Deputy Secretary General, Dr. Humphrey Agevi. The event was one of the activities organized by UASU’s Education Training and Research Standing Committee chaired by Dr. Regina Bwire.


A section of UASU officials before tree planting

Speaking at the event, the Secretary General Dr. Bernard Omogo, said that the initiative was made possible through funding from the University Management and it will be done in three Phases targeting three different problems facing the community. The first phase was on Reproductive Health and the activity was held in Siaya. The second one is the current Tree Planting activity and the third one will be an Anti-jigger activity that will be held at Hamisi.

“We would like to change the common perception that UASU is all about politics. Through this activity, UASU-MMUST Chapter has shown that unions can be part and parcel of community development,” said Dr. Omogo.

Mr. Joseph Ojuki from the Organization of African Youth Kenya and Mr. Leonard Likotio from Nature Kenya educated the pupils on environmental conservation and the roles of such clubs in schools. They further stressed on the importance of on- farm tree planting to reduce the strain on the Tropical forest in Kakamega.  Sherlyne Tims, the Deputy President of the pupil leadership and Scouts leader joined the UASU team and invited guests to plant indigenous trees along the boundaries of the school.

“I will see to it that a strategy is developed to ensure the trees are watered and protected throughout,” stated the young leader. 

The long-serving member of UASU, Prof. Samuel Kubasu Kwashe, now a Trustee, encouraged the school to utilize the expertise that MMUST has to offer. These include sports, academics, research and other sectors related to the development of the school.

The head teacher, Mahiakalo Primary School Mr. George Mukholi thanked MMUST for choosing his school for the tree planting exercise and promised to collaborate with them in any other future ventures.  “As a primary school within the vicinity of such a great University, we welcome CSR initiatives from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology through UASU and other teams,” added Mr. Mukholi


 by Dr. Lydia AnyonjeMr. Victor Mukoshi

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