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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has trained office assistants in critical skills required in the modern office environment as a way of building capacity while at the same time improving service delivery. The training workshop, which was organized by the office of the Registrar Administration, was conducted from Thursday 23rd to Friday 24th September 2021 at Farm View Hotel in Busia County.

 Speaking during the event, the Ag. Registrar Administration, Dr. Eglay Tsuma revealed that this the first of a series of training workshops, which will see all staff in the same cadre trained and equipped to handle modern challenges and clients as they serve the University

The Senior Assistant Registrar, Mr. Josephat Shigogodi, took the staff through the University’s Vision, Mission and core values. He stressed on the importance of staff working in tandem with the institution’s core values to ensure the University’s services are aimed at satisfying the needs and demands of clients and key stakeholders.

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Participants keenly following the workshop’s presentations

The Dean School of Business (SOBE), Prof. Robert Egessa, who discussed ‘Organization Culture & Behaviour Change’ and later ‘Career Progression, Training & placement’ sensitized participants on the benefits of cultivating a meaningful organizational culture, adding that such a culture has the potential to grow the individual members of staff as well as the organization.

“Mobility within the work place depends on individual drive, tenacity and institutional support through training and staff development programs. The University has a duty to support your professional development but your upward mobility and placement in different positions must be propelled by your own personal initiative,” stated Prof. Egessa.

Director, Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM), Dr. Lydia Anyonje, who tackled ‘Communication Skills and Protocol Etiquette’ as well as ‘Public Relations & Customer Care Skills’ reminded participants that staff’s communication skills and protocol etiquette can make or break an organization. She pointed out that office assistants are some of the most critical team members at the University and must be valued and utilized for the success of the institution. “Office assistants are among the most innovative personalities in the workplace. As the main conduit of communication, they work behind the scenes to make the boss look good. Bad mouthing your boss or your institution is insubordination, disrespect and lack of vision. Remember, if your boss looks good, you look good,” she said.

Occupation, Health & Safety, which was covered by Dr. Damaris Ochanda, is another area that was discussed during the training workshop. The lifesaving session provided participants with the requisite skills for health and safety at work. Dr. Ochanda took them through COVID-19 protocols and techniques of keeping safe at work and how to seek for assistance in case of life-threatening occurrences.

Other equally important presentations included ‘Record Management, Planning & Organizing skills’ by Dr. Judah Ndiku, ‘Time Management & Critical thinking skills’ by Dr. Pamela Buhere, ‘Stress Management & Counseling Skills’ by Dr. Kenneth Otieno, ‘Disciplinary Processes & Staff Welfare Issues’ by Mr. Benard Ooko, ‘Psychological Planning for Retirement & Financial Management’   by Dr. Kenneth Otieno and ‘Team Building Skills’ by Dr. Issa Kweyu. The common denominator in all these presentations was that the workplace environment has changed and we must all change with it.

The training workshop was officially closed by the Ag. DVC A&F  Prof. Charles Mutai who urged the staff to put everything they have learned during the workshop into practice and embrace teamwork. He assured them of the University Management’s support.

By Wilberforce Shiundu


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