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A team of researchers from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology have ascertained that gender inclusion in research and Management is key to career progression among academic staff in Universities. The team of researchers led by Rev. Prof. Judith Achoka (Principal Investigator), conducted a dissemination workshop yesterday, 5th October 2021 at Bishop Stam, Kakamega County.

The Director, Research and Postgraduate Support Prof. Peter Bukhala, applauded the team of researchers for carrying out research related to gender inclusivity which is a critical global agenda currently.  He however, challenged the team to ensure women are well mentored at lower levels to put them at the same level with males during appointments.

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“Call in mentors who have done well in research and management to offer mentorship to young women at early stages so that they can be well grounded. Additionally, I advise women pursuing academic careers in Universities to publish in high index journals besides attending many conferences and seminars. This will boost your confidence and competence,” added Prof. Bukhala.

Notably, the Dean School of Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE), Prof. Eng. Bernadette Sabuni pointed out that there is a need to involve men in their bid to stay afloat in the career maze that exists on the road to academic progression. She further noted that career needs in the global business environment are shifting and it is important to stay current with the new skills to meet the demands of the workplace.

The other key facilitator present at the dissemination workshop was Prof. Danstone Lilechi Baraza who represented the Coordinator, AIDS Control, Gender and Disability Mainstreaming Unit, Prof. Gladys Mengich. Presenting on the ‘Future of women in University Management’, Prof. Lilechi stated that it is key to address the existing gender gaps in workplaces. “Women are able. Some of the obstacles derailing their progression are inadequate funding, policies, and societal beliefs” said Prof. Lilechi.

The other researchers in the team included Dr. Lucy Mandillah, Dr. Lydia Anyonje, Dr. Annette Okoth, Dr. Pamela Buhere, Dr. Bill Ouda, and Dr. Christine Wanjala. Dr. Mandillah who made a presentation on ‘Factors influencing Gender Inclusion in Research’ revealed that the issues affecting women are embedded in institutional and societal structures. She further noted that more women researchers should be brought on board in Universities to gain adequate exposure and capacity for upward mobility in their careers.  

The Director, Corporate Communications and Marketing Dr. Lydia Anyonje outlined various issues that emerged during the workshop. Some of the matters addressed included, re-examination of rules governing managerial appointments, establishment of strong gender units, partnerships and collaborations to ensure mobility of staff, coming up with specific women funding initiatives and conducting periodic gender audits.

Other personalities present at the workshop with remarkable insights included Dr. Buhere who presented Key findings for the team, Dr. Annette Okoth- Gender inclusion in Research, Dr. Bill Ouda who highlighted the team’s Recommendations and Dr. Wanjala who presented the findings on Gender inclusion in Management.

By; Linet Owuor , Wilberforce Shiundu 


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