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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) has today received state of Art workplace equipment worth 4.2 Million Kenyan Shillings from the Centre for International Migration (CIM) given to the University courtesy of Mr. Willis Awandu, who is a tutorial fellow in the Department of Civil and Structural Engineering and Dr. Celine Awino Omondi from physics department.  This donation by CIM, through the Program Migration and Development (PMD), has been funded by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and is meant for use in his research and teaching. The equipment will also be available for use by staff and students undertaking water related courses and research in the Department.

The equipment was officially received by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo who expressed his gratitude to CIM for endeavoring to not only empower MMUST through training of staff but also avail state of art equipment for use in the University. “With such modern equipment, MMUST can be a centre for manufacturing solar cell prototypes. We are ready to finance this activity,” stated Prof. Shibairo.


DVC ASA, Prof. Golicha explains a point during the handing over of the equipment

The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha applauded MMUST’s Returning Experts, adding that the unique skills acquired will boost the expertise in the School of Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE) as well as the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS). The Dean, SONAS, Dr. Joseph Owino appreciated the funding by GIZ, stating that MMUST’s research agenda will benefit from the initiative. Representing the Dean, SEBE, Dr. Micah Mukolwe commended the move by CIM and GIZ to fund MMUST staff.  

Mr. Awandu was funded Euro 9348 equivalent to Kshs, 1.21 Million while Dr.  Omondi was given Euro 8700 equivalent to Kshs. 1.12 Million. Mr. Awandu is an alumnus of the University of Stuttgart -Germany and a returning expert member of CIM. The donation was presented to the University by the CIM coordinator for Kenya Ms. Cynthia Kamau.  CIM is involved in providing mentorship, training workshops and providing workplace equipment for returnees for use at their workplace


Earlier in the year, 18th June, 2021, Dr. Felix Angwenyi was funded 8733.44 euros which is equivalent to Kenyan Shillings 1.127,862.21. The donation was a cluster of 3 iMac computers used for heavy numerical simulations. This brings the entire donation from Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to Kenyan Shillings 3.457,862.21 Million.   

Centre for International Migration – CIM (Program Migration and Development) is the German Government’s competence center for international labour mobility. CIM is jointly run by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the German Federal Employment Agency. CIM sources and places experts from the EU- and other experts from outside Europe who have settled in Germany – in developing countries and emerging economies. Through the Program Development and Migration (PMD) CIM helps in the reintegration of returning experts especially from Germany into their countries of origin in which CIM is partnering with. The centre plays a vital role in helping the returning experts with job information, networking, and internship positions.

Returning experts such as Mr. Awandu, Dr. Omondi and Dr. Angwenyi who get job positions in their countries within a period of two years after returning are enrolled in the PMD program where they are brought together through workshops and seminars. CIM offers such returning experts several supports such as job placement services, training allowances, paid travel and relocation expenses, workplace equipment, individual advice on returning to the home country career planning and provision of local support network.



By:Dr. Lydia Anyonje,Linet Owuor

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