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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology is among the pioneer Universities to take up the Kenya government’s initiative to address youth unemployment by launching Ajira Digital Club. MMUST launched the Ajira club on Friday, 19th November, 2021 at the University Main Catering Unit (MCU 001). The launching ceremony was graced by the Principal Secretary, Ministry of ICT, Innovation and Youth Affairs, Mr. Jerome Ochieng.

Speaking during the ceremony, Mr. Ochieng congratulated the University Management for implementing the initiative to ensure self-employment of youths. “Ajira Digital initiative is among the government flagship programs to address unemployment among the youths. Online work is the way to go, let us take advantage of the available digital opportunities to empower students with the skills to enable them earn a living. Online writing works, online jobs pay,” stressed Mr. Ochieng.


ICT, Principal Secretary Mr. Jerome Ochieng addresses staff and students at MMUST during the launch

The PS noted that the Ministry of ICT has formulated structured ways to ensure skill development and mentorship among the youths. This will subsequently lead to earning a good living for the youths. “Success does not come to you. You go for it. I urge you to utilize free training offered by the Ajira Digital and apply the knowledge to better your lives,” advised the ICT, Principal Secretary.

The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo expressed gratitude to the Ajira team for identifying MMUST for the empowerment project. “This country has been grappling with youth unemployment. I am delighted with our students for taking up the challenge. Use the skills you have acquired during Ajira training to solve community issues,” he urged.

Representing the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Planning Research and Innovation Prof. Charles Mutai, Prof. Gladys Mengich stated that it is important that Ajira is committed to give hope to the younger generation. She assured the Ajira team that the program will be fully supported at MMUST to ensure youth empowerment. These sentiments were echoed by Prof. Edwin Wamukoya, who represented the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha “Through the Ajira Club, we are able to reset our objectives of using digitalization to get jobs,” he added.


The Dean of students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao, expressed confidence that MMUST has students with the potential for great exploits in the ICT sector. “MMUST is set to lead the digital revolution among the youths in Kenya,” asserted Dr. Abwao.

The Club Patron Dr. Eng. Samuel Waweru applauded the University Management for supporting the initiative stating that the purpose of the project is to empower our students to become self-reliant. The MMUST Ajira Digital Club, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Collins Ojiwa noted that the club has a total number of six hundred and forty members and it has been in existence for the past six months. He further urged the University leadership to continue supporting the club to enable them to attract more members and achieve the key objective of introducing more students to the online space.  

Other notable personalities present at the event included Rev. Prof. Willis Otuya, Dr. Noel Malanda (Master of Ceremonies), Fr. Dr. Kizito Muchanga, ICT Director, Mr. Apollo Waliaro, Mr. Oscar Waswa, MMUSO Chairman, Mr. Brian Odhiambo and Ajira Program Assistant Manager, Ms. Edith Njeri.

Courtesy of the Ajira Club, a number of students from MMUST have been able to take part in innovative projects. The students developed an application dubbed ‘Rada App’ whose main aim is to digitize the process of addressing issues related to mental health and the social well-being of the students. The App has various key features including general information section where students can easily access information on diverse topics, student counselling section, students’ mentorship session and ‘Help’ section where they can seek assistance from their counsellors. The club provides students with a platform to work online and earn a living.

 By: Linet Linet Owuor

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