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The Kenya Universities Staff Union (KUSU) MMUST Chapter on Thursday, 18th November, 2021, held its 11th & 12th Branch Annual General Meeting (BAGeM) at Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, was among the invited guests that graced the event, themed ‘After “MUOSHO MOJA” What Next?’

Prof. Shibairo expressed his willingness to set up a conducive working environment for all staff, clear of conflicts. He urged the KUSU members to embrace the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which ensures a win-win for both parties.

“One of my passions is to achieve good human relations in this University. I want you to have a good working environment. Recently, we conducted staff promotions, famously known as ‘Muosho Moja’, and I am glad to report that we only have two (2) meetings left to complete the exercise,” said the Vice Chancellor, adding that there is a need to employ more staff and replace part-timers with permanent staff.

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Vice Chancellor (centre), DVC A &F Prof. John Kuria Thuo, DVC ASA, Prof. Hussein Golicha and DVC PRI Prof. Charles Mutai together with KUSU officials during the AGM.

The MMUST internal promotion policy has been drafted and will be shared with stakeholders for examination. This policy will enable employees to move ahead or gain promotions through interviews.

MMUST DVCs, Prof. Charles Mutai (PRI), Prof. John Kuria Thuo (A&F) and Prof. Hussein Golicha (ASA), all reiterated in their remarks the importance of staff unity and a harmonious relationship with the Management. They appreciated the staff’s commitment and contribution to the University saying that their work is indeed recognized.

The KUSU-MMUST branch Chairman, Mr. Mulongo M. Onzere applauded the current University Management for being accommodative to Union matters. “The KUSU leadership appreciates the Management for its readiness to embrace dialogue, and prioritizing the welfare of staff. We are happy about the milestones that have been achieved so far, including the revival of the 2013/2017 internal CBA negotiations. Our joint efforts with the Management have attained clearance from the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to implement the CBA,” said Mr. Onzere.


The Chairman also noted that the Union has been pursuing the issue of premature retirement of its members with the goal of obtaining a long-lasting solution.

The newly elected Branch Secretary General, Mr. Gregory Lidzanga, advised members to continue supporting the Management, as well as to avoid ‘throwing stones’ at it. “We thank the University Management for the recent promotions. Our members are happy and now feel motivated to work,” he stated. Mr. Lidzanga proceeded to giving a report on the Internal Appointments and Promotions Policy, the 2013/2017 Internal CBA, the Implementation of the 2017/2021 National CBA, Agency Fee Paying Members, Growth of the Union, Promotions (Muosho Moja), Conversion from Non-teaching to Teaching as well as the Revised KUSU Constitution.

KUSU members were allowed to make comments on the report. The treasurer’s report for the year ending 31/12/2020 and the proposed operation Budget for the year 2022 was also extensively discussed.

It is worth noting that the elections for the KUSU-MMUST branch Secretary, which took place on the day of the AGM, were overseen by the Kakamega County Labor Commissioner officer, Mr. Charles Mwinami together with his assistant Ms. Constance Muhatia.

Other KUSU officials present during the meeting were; the Treasurer, Ms. Agnes S. Amugamwa, Organizing Secretary, Mr. David Khamala, Deputy Branch Secretary, Lydia T. Nandemu, Deputy Treasurer, Mr. Joseph Mayenga, Women Representative, Ms. Elina Otanga and Trustee, Mr. Cosmas Rutto.

 By: Mary Wangari Wambugu, Charity Idaya

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