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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Alumni Association (MMUSTAA) has adopted the new MMUSTAA constitution and electoral laws that were amended by the University Management Board. The adoption took place during the MMUSTAA two-day workshop held at the Tom Mboya Labour College in Kisumu County on 26th and 27th November 2021. The MMUST alumni workshop was organised by the Directorate of Career Services, headed by Dr. Teresa Okoth.

Speaking during the workshop, the MMUST Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo applauded the MMUST Alumni Association Executives for considering the views of the University Management Board saying that this has opened an avenue for the two entities to work together and steer MMUST to even greater heights.

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A section of MMUSTAA Executive Committee members following presentations during the Kisumu workshop

Prof. Shibairo said that alumni are an important organ of any institution as they carry the image of their respective institutions. He called upon the MMUSTAA to work together and reach all MMUST alumni across the world to contribute towards the transformation of MMUST. “Our MMUST alumni are our best bet as far as branding and promoting of our University is concerned. You move with MMUST’s name whenever you go and that is the best way of marketing. My administration will work closely with the alumni to ensure the visibility and success of this great institution,” said Prof Shibairo.

According the MMUST Alumni Association Chairman Mr Kennedy Echesa, the alumni network has become stronger through the alumni awards and best performance recognitionheld a day before every graduation. Mr. Echesa expressed confidence that through such events, the MMUST alumni will be able to network and do great things together. He said that as the Chairman of MMUST Alumni Association, he will work towards ensuring that MMUST Alumni hosts career fairs for current students to connect with possible future employers from different companies across Kenya and beyond. He further said that as an alumni association, they will help best performing graduates to get scholarships and internships from different companies.

With the growing number of educational institutions around the world, institutions have a duty of making sure that they market themselves through their alumni. One of the best ways any institution can stand out, both locally and internationally is through branding and relentless promotion of their brand.

The University of Georgia topped the list of the Universities with the most influential alumni Association in 2021. According to the world scholarship forum, Georgia’s exemplary performance resulted from monthly webinars, online job boards, and networking events in Atlanta conducted by their strong alumni.

Dr. Okoth said that the new constitution and the electoral laws will enable the MMUSTAA to move faster in their operations as they work towards contributing to the transformation of MMUST. She assured the alumni association leaders that her office will work hand in hand with them to make sure that their activities and programmes are run efficiently.

The Alumni Executive committee members present during the workshop were: Mr. Kennedy Echesa – Chair, Senator Daisy Nyongesa – Vice Chair, Mr. Kennedy Wabwire – Secretary General, Mr. Charles Otiende – Organising secretary, Mr. Ignatius Nyukuri – Treasurer, Mr. Mathew Wakoli – Public Relations officer, Mr. Samson Nabutola, Mr. James Owich – Member, Ms. Linet Tuyia – Member and Ms.Jane Njeri – Member

 By: Wilberforce Shiundu

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