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A number of staff from the Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, yesterday 18th January 2022, were awarded certificates by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo. This was after successful completion of a training on COVID- 19 testing.

The event was graced by the Vice Chancellor who applauded the team for endeavoring to undergo the COVID- 19 testing training at the time when the world required skilled personnel in the field.

"Such training boosts the University's capacity building.  I advise you to carry on with such initiatives and offer solutions to the communities around," added Prof. Shibairo.

Further, the Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning, Research and Innovations Prof. Charles Mutai urged the trained members to utilize the knowledge acquired to change lives at MMUST and the community at large. He assured the team of the University Management's support to ensure even more staff attainment of such training.

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The Vice Chancellor addresses MMUST Medical laboratory staff

The Chairman, Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences Mr. Fidelis Mambo, who was the master trainer appreciated the University Management for sponsoring the project stating that as medical laboratory personnel, the training was very key to their profession and teaching of their students. Mr. Mambo together with his counterparts Mr. George Sowayi and Mr. James Sakwa received the COVID 19 testing training from the National Influenza Centre earlier in March last year.

Courtesy of the University Management support, the trio conducted a training for trainers in August 2021 which targeted colleagues from the neighboring counties such as Busia, Siaya and Vihiga. In MMUST, the team offered training to their colleagues in the School of Medicine (SOM) and School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedical Sciences (SONMAPS).

The other trained members of staff included Ms. Lillian Owala, Ms. Jane Munyao, Mr. Noah Kiprop, Mr. Brian Karani, Mr. Elizabeth Otunga and Ms. Rosemary Afwande.

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 By: Linet OwuorWilberforce Shiundu

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