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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Department of Health Promotion and Sports Science on 12th January 2022, received a donation of sixteen (16) rugby suits from the County Government of Nairobi, courtesy of its student Ms. Doris Nyamu. Ms. Nyamu serves as a Sports Officer in the city County of Nairobi and is currently upgrading her undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Science in Health Promotion and Sports Science at MMUST.

“I recognized MMUST as the best institution of higher learning that runs academic programmes in Sports Science, Health Promotion and Physical Education and made it my University of choice. This donation however, came as a surprise to me from my seniors the Minister for Sports Nairobi County Mrs. Janet Ouko, Director for Sports Mr. Harry Mwahari and the Chief Sports Officer Nairobi, Mr. Samuel Obiero to promote sports at MMUST,” said the sports enthusiast Ms. Doris Nyamu.

She thanked MMUST staff from the Department of Health Promotion and Sports Science for the mentorship and encouragement, urging them to continue giving their best to support students realize and nurture their sports talent.

“Before, people looked at sports as a one-time thing but today many of us earn a living from sports,” she stated. Further, she shared her optimism over establishing more collaborations with other counties to see the University meet its needs in sports.  


Ms. Doris Nyamu, MMUST’s games tutor, Mr. Geoffrey Baraza, MMUST RFC Assistant Coach, Mr. John Asila, Dr. Elizabeth Mse and MMUSO Games and Sports secretary Mr. Fabian Lenyasunya during the handing over.

Ms. Doris Nyamu, MMUST’s games tutor, Mr. Geoffrey Baraza, MMUST RFC Assistant Coach, Mr. John Asila, Dr. Elizabeth Mse and MMUSO Games and Sports secretary Mr. Fabian Lenyasunya during the handing over.Speaking during the handover, the Chairman of the Department of Health Promotion and Sports Science, Dr. Issah Kweyu expressed his delight and appreciation towards the donation. He shared his dream of making MMUST a sports destination in the coming years, keeping in mind the development projects undergoing in the University.

MMUST RFC Assistant Coach, Mr. John Asila commended Ms. Doris for promoting sports and appreciated the gesture, saying that the suits will come in handy for the MMUST ladies’ rugby team now more than ever as they are striving to build the team. He echoed Ms. Nyamu sentiments that sports pay, quoting among his players Mr. Timothy Mmasi who is doing well and earns a living from playing rugby.  

MMUST’s games tutor, Mr. Geoffrey Baraza, who was also present commended Ms. Nyamu for gifting the University. “We are a University that is growing very fast in the section of Sports Science. We are focused on introducing new sports because of the growing numbers of students engaging in the University’s activities. Due to wear and tear, we do not have sufficient facilities, equipment and kits for our players. This gesture will therefore greatly support our teams,” he stated.

Mr. Baraza assured Ms. Nyamu and those in attendance of the University’s commitment towards talent development and youth involvement in sports for social, economic and professional purposes.

Additionally, he commented on life after University and sports, urging students to establish a balance between academics and sports saying that in both we gain either economically or professionally. “Academics is your core business, sport is a secondary kind of a voluntary engagement that adds value to your academics and at the same time it can be a breadwinner to yourself hence the need to balance,” he stated.

Other notable personalities present at the handover was Dr. Elizabeth Mse, MMUSO Games and Sports secretary Mr. Fabian Lenyasunya, and the Chief Executive officer Ajira Digital club MMUST Chapter Mr. Collins Ojiwa.

By: Caren Mutoro, Sandra Awuor Dorcas

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