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Masinde Muliro University Student Organization (MMUSO) visited the National Assembly of Kenya in Nairobi on Wednesday, 26th January, 2022 on a benchmarking mission to understand the Legislative processes. This visit was organized by the office of the Dean of students in conjunction with the office of the Vice Chancellor.

The purpose of this visit was to offer MMUSO leadership a chance to interact with Members of Parliament from the Western region. It also enabled them to seek support for the ongoing projects within the University and the MMUST Student Endowment Fund.

The MMUSO leadership was received by the National Assembly Majority Whip, Hon. Emmanuel Wangwe (MP for Navakholo), Hon. Benjamin Shinali, (MP for Ikolomani) Hon. Johnson Naicca (MP Mumias West) and the MMUST Alumni Association Chairman, Mr. Kennedy Echesa. While addressing the MMUSO leadership at the National Assembly buildings, Hon. Wangwe urged the leadership to use their current positions to bring change and growth among students in the institution. He further promised to work with student and University leadership to ensure that MMUST development projects are completed in the right time.

image 24The National Assembly Chief Whip, Hon. Emmanuel Wangwe addressing the MMUSO leadership at the National Assembly buildings

The MMUST delegation was led by the Dean of students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao, who noted that the visit was fruitful as the student leadership had an opportunity to discuss and steer the University development agenda with the leaders from Western region.

“We have discussed with leaders the need of working together to ensure that MMUST receives enough endowment funds to sustain the needy students and fast truck University development projects,” said Dr. Abwao. An endowment fund is an investment fund established by a foundation that makes consistent drawings from invested money. The money in the endowment fund is often used by Universities, non-profit organizations, churches and hospitals for sustainability of their development projects. 

The MMUSO President, Mr. Brian Odhiambo, applauded the University Management for enabling them to have such an opportunity with leaders at the National Assembly, saying that it has equipped them with key leadership expertise. Mr. Odhiambo said that through interactions with the Members of Parliament at the National Assembly, they have learnt a lot of things on the legislative processes in the National Assembly, which has motivated them to join the national leadership after their studies. The team was also accompanied by Mr. Oscar Waswa, Senior Administrator from the office of the Dean of students.

The MMUSO executive committee members present included Mr. Brian Odhiambo -  the MMUSO Chairperson, Ms. Nancy Mwendwa - Vice Chairperson, Mr. Stephen Ndirangu -  MMUSO Secretary General, Mr. Gilbert Nyabuto - Treasurer, Mr. Fabian Lenyasunya – Co-Curricular Secretary, Ms. Tevivona Ayien – Academic Secretary, Norman Opiyo – Special Interests Secretary and Mr. James Ombati – Speaker

By: Wilberforce Shiundu

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