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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) on 25th January, 2022 launched an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Baseline Survey at the University in partnership with  National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA). The event themed ‘Ushindi dhidi ya Madawa za Kulevya’ took place at the University’s Main Catering Unit (MCU 002) and will run for a period of two weeks from 25th January 2022 to 8th February 2022.

 The launch was graced by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic and Students Affairs Prof. Hussein Golicha who also represented the Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo. In the Vice Chancellors’ remarks, he noted that MMUST is striving to provide the best learning environment for students despite the alcohol and drug abuse threat that has dominated most Higher Learning institutions globally.

“We are keen to ensure students' learning is not compromised by alcohol and drug abuse. We have constituted an Alcohol and Drug Abuse (ADA) committee to carry out sensitization among our staff and students. I commend this team for the work they have done and urge students to take part in this survey that we are launching today,” said Prof. Shibairo.

Echoing the sentiments of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Golicha reiterated that alcohol and drug abuse has become rampant among the younger generation and there is need to sensitize them on its effects.

“Most of our students have gone the wrong way because of the many frustrations they undergo. We hope that this survey will unveil findings that will help us curb this menace. I promise you my support towards the course,” added Prof. Golicha.

According to the MMUST NACADA Baseline Survey Consultant Rev. Prof. Judith Achoka, alcohol and drug abuse has become a global problem especially with the emergence of COVID-19. She advised everyone to be energized to save our generation from the pangs of drug abuse.

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Dean of Students Dr. Abwao addresses participants during the launch.

Speaking during the event, the Dean of students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao stated that MMUST has in the past had cases of alcohol and drug abuse among students. However, the situation has been managed and the cases have decreased. 

“The most common drugs that have been discovered among our students include alcohol, marijuana and miraa. This is after an investigation that was carried out by the Dean’s office which revealed that the peddlers of these drugs were bodaboda riders. Through this launch, we anticipate that the findings of this survey will offer solutions to this problem,” she said.

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The ADA Chairperson Dr. Dennis Omaiyo making a presentation during the event.

The ADA Chairperson Dr. Dennis Omaiyo, who was also the coordinator of the event, urged the ADA student ambassadors to encourage other comrades to take part in the survey by filling the online questionnaire. He highlighted the objectives of the survey which include, developing students and staff friendly assistance programs of individuals involved in Alcohol and Drug abuse, involving all stakeholders in the fight against Alcohol and Drug abuse and creating awareness on dangers of Alcohol and Drug abuse. He further urged the University Management to support the initiative to ensure that staff are also trained on the effects of Alcohol and Drug abuse.

Another key presenter of the day, Dr. Rose Opiyo who is the ADA Research Manager, pointed out that, Alcohol and Drug abuse is one of the world’s most pressing challenges threatening people of every age.

“Through the kind gesture of MMUST Management and NACADA’s unwavering support, we are boldly advancing Campaigns towards a ‘Drug Free Campus’. We are on course in designing policies and programs for both staff and students as a way of determining solutions to mitigate its destructive outcomes,” said Dr. Opiyo.

Notably, the other key personalities present during the event were MMUSO leadership, peer educators, ADA ambassadors and committee members. This launch comes prior to the staff sensitization training that is scheduled for next week.

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By: Linet Owuor, Charity Idaya

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