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The Peace Ambassadors Kenya (PAK), a Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Chapter students’ club, yesterday, 23rd February 2022, held a peace walk within the University and the surrounding community. The walk is aimed at advocating for peaceful elections among students. The three-day (3) walk themed, ‘Let there be Peace in Kenya and let it begin with me’ was led by their Patron, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Planning Research and Innovation) Prof. Charles Mutai. This event comes days before Masinde Muliro University Students’ Organization (MMUSO) elections which are set for 3rd and 4th March, 2022.

Speaking during an interview, the Coordinator Peace Ambassadors Kenya, Mr. Clinton Omondi acknowledged the Peer Counselling, Rotaract and Peace Unit Program (PUP) student clubs for working together with the Peace Ambassadors in ensuring that peace messages spread among students.

“It is my prayer that all students will embrace peace before, during and after elections. Let us not do anything that will affect our studies here. It is no longer good enough to cry peace, we must act peace, live peace, and live in peace’ he urged.

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Students of various clubs pose for a photo during the peace walk

The President Rotaract Club, Mr. Kiptoo Claudius, stated that peace is universal and that it was his wish to see fellow students conduct peaceful elections.  

The team marched within the University with banners and t-shirts carrying peace messages and had a set of activities for peace sensitization.

Other notable club representatives present at the event included the Chairperson, Peer Counseling Club Mr. Stephen Obala, members of the St. John’s Ambulance and the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission (CJPC). The next walk is set for Friday, 25th February 2022 from Annex, Kakamega town to Lurambi and Tuesday, 1st March 2022 from Hall One (1) to the Multi-Purpose Hall (MPH) where the Big Debate will be held. The Big Debate is a forum where all the MMUSO aspirants depict their political opinions and public policy proposals, to potential voters, moderated by student commissioners.

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One of the students during the Function

 By: Charity Idaya and Verna Awuor

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