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Ten MMUST Female Journalism students are among the 4th Edition of graduates under the International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) Female Journalism Mentorship Programme. The students successfully graduated on Friday, 25th February, 2022 after a one year mentorship programme.

International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT-Kenyan Chapter) with the support of the US Embassy Nairobi, Media Council of Kenya and other media stakeholders concluded the 2021 Female Mentorship programme of fifty (50) students from five (5) public universities. The 2021 cohort involved students from Moi University, Maseno University, Maasai Mara University, Technical University of Mombasa and Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology.


media student

The MMUST female journalism students

Speaking during the closure of the ceremony, Mr. Erick Watnik, Public Affairs Officer, US Embassy Nairobi congratulated the graduates and said that the mentorship programme was an incredible opportunity given to mentees to help shape their career. Mr. Watnik encouraged the graduates to share the knowledge imparted to them.

‘To the mentees, be the strength and support your colleagues need just as your mentors have been to you,’ he said.

He added that the US Embassy will continue to support and promote free, fair and independent journalism in Kenya through mentorship and grants. He encouraged journalism students, through their universities, to take advantage of these opportunities.

The graduates shared their testimonials on how the IAWRT Mentorship programme has been a reward as they venture into the journalism career.

“We are now more confident to tackle the job market. The skills imparted to us are not in vain because we are now more competent in writing and especially in new media,’ said Agnes Wanjiru, a Fourth Year student at MMUST.


Agnes Wanjiru presenting testimonies on behalf of MMUST Mentees

Victor Bwire, the Programmes Manager at the Media Council of Kenya, shared knowledge on safety of female journalists especially during this election year in Kenya.

The yearlong mentorship programme was carried out by twelve (12) professional media women among them Josephine Karani-Chairperson, IAWRT, Kenya, Racheal Nakitari, Hilda Nakhwanga, Jerida Andayi among others. The MMUST team was led by the Chaperone, Ms. Marvin Wangatiah and Mr. Wafula Nyongesa, CoD, Journalism and Mass Communication Department.

By: Nashilluh Brendah Kabindio
Photos by: Marvin Wangatiah

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