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In a bid to ensure free and fair students’ elections, Masinde Muliro University Students Organization (MMUSO), in conjunction with the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) - Kakamega County, peacefully voted in its 5th Parliament of student leaders during the 5th MMUSO Parliamentary Elections 2022. The highly contested elections were carried out at the University’s Main Campus and Bungoma Campus on Thursday, 3rd March and Friday, 4th March 2022.In accordance with MMUSO Constitution Article 65, the leaders-elect thereafter voted in the Student Executive Council (SEC), today 4th March 2022.

The Chairman, MMUSO Electoral Commission (MEC), Prof. Judah Ndiku, commended the students for maintaining order throughout the campaign period and the high level of maturity displayed during the voting process. Prof. Ndiku also lauded MMUST Election Officials for their commitment as well as the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) for observing the process and providing voting materials such as ballot boxes and papers.

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One of the Polling Clerks, Mr. Elijah Odeo counting votes at one of the polling stations.

Speaking after the announcement of tallied results, the Dean of Students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao commended the newly representative-elects and acknowledged students for their discipline throughout the electioneering period. The students cast their votes at different polling stations representing the eleven (11) Schools, with most of the Schools registering a high turnout.

The Presiding Officer for the School of Arts and Social Sciences (SASS), Dr. Lydia Anyonje, said that MMUSO Electoral Commission provided student agents to represent the candidates in order to ensure a transparent voting process. Additionally, she noted that the University Security personnel played an integral role in ensuring that the election process was orderly. The Presiding Officers selected from members of University staff were tasked with the mandate of ensuring safe custody and issuance of election materials with most acknowledging the transparency and democracy of the elections.

The student leaders elected to the Student Executive Council positions are; The Secretary General; Ms. Ayien Tevivona, Chairperson- Mr. Samuel Ombui Motari, Vice Chairperson- Ms. Cynthia Muthoni, Academics Secretary-Mr. Felix Otieno Ounda, Gender and Special Interest Secretary-Mr. Jeremy Muriira Thiangiti and the Treasurer -Mr. Edwin Kipng’etich. According to Article 74 of   the MMUSO Constitution, a re-run will be organized to determine the winner for the position of Co-Curricular Secretary after a tie between Mr. Alwenge Solomon Yimbo and Mr. Daniel Kipish.

The Male and Female School representatives-elect from the eleven (11) Schools included School of Medicine (SOM)-Kelvin Kipkoech, Ms. Sheilah Keke Okong’o, School of Natural Sciences (SONAS)- Mr. Silas Akalla, Ms. Mururu Sarah Kaari, School of Business and Economics(SOBE)- Mr. Dennis Musau Musyoki, Ms. Ivonne Adhiambo Robinson, School of Computing and Informatics(SCI)- Mr. Norris Fidel, Ms. Stacy Jacqueen, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedics(SONMAPS)- Mr. Kiana Eric, Ms. Mona Achieng’ Oluoch, School of Arts and Social Sciences(SASS)- Mr. Emmanuel Ogenga, Ms. Mitchell Atieno Juma, School of Agriculture Veterinary Sciences and Technology(SAVET)-Mr. Gilbert Malenya, Ms. Tabitha Wamalwa, School of Education(SEDU)-Mr. Khaemba Ezra Simiyu, Ms. Faith Nanyama Sikanga, School of Public Health, Biomedical Sciences and Technology(SPHBS&T)-Mr. Kiprop Vildas, Ms. Diana Akoth Werimo, School of Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance(SDMHA)- Mr. Ogoro Brian Guto, Ms. Jedidah Mwendwa, School of Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE)- Mr. Cornelius K. Kirwa and Osembe Maryline Akelo. 

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The Incoming MMUSO President addressing Parliamentarians after being declared the winner.

The Campus Representatives-elect (Bungoma and Webuye Campus) include Mr. Ian Joel Kimatia, Priscah Chenjeni Khayanga and Mr. Caleb Nalianya. In Webuye Campus, there was no candidate representing the females.  

The elects in the category of Halls of Residence (Halls Four (4) -Male and Female, three (3), two (2) and one (1)) and the Non-Resident Male and Female Representatives were Collins Achando Obita, Odero Jackline Akoth, Nyaora Oginga Kevin, John Ochieng, Hellen Awuor Odira, Scolastica Jepkurui Biwott, Sally Anyango Ochieng, Rael Nasike, Alex Kiprop Lang’at, Hamation Davis Musembe and Bill Clinton Eugene.

As an institution that respects diversity, MMUST, through its students’ representative-elects, will endeavor to advocate for all students by cultivating productive relationships and creating a culture of justice and equity through inclusive collaboration, effective communication, environmental consciousness and collegiality.

Congratulations to all the elected leaders!

By; Sandra Awuor Dorcas,  Caren Mutoro, Charity Idaya

Photos by:  Wilberforce Shiundu

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