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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo, on Tuesday, 8th March, 2022, presided over the swearing-in-ceremony of the newly elected Masinde Muliro University Student Organization (MMUSO) officials. The inauguration ceremony took place at the Main Catering Unit shortly after a re-run for the position of the Co-Curricular Secretary. The re-run was conducted pursuant of the MMUSO Constitution Article 74 to address a tie for the position of the Co-Curricular Secretary which arose during the Students Executive Council (SEC) elections held on 4th March, 2022.

The oath of office was administered by MMUST’s Legal Assistant, Ms. Linda Omenya in the presence of the Vice Chancellor. Forty-two (42) College Representatives and eight (8) members of the Student Executive Council (SEC) were sworn in.

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From one leader to another; Prof. Shibairo congratulate the incoming MMUSO Chairperson Mr. Samuel Motari

In his address, the Vice Chancellor underscored the importance of student leadership saying that as leaders, they should strive to influence, motivate, and guide others towards achieving desired goals.

“Leadership takes sacrifice. Once you are given that title, you become a person of influence. With great power, comes greater responsibility. Listen to advice and follow due process when advocating for students’ issues. Ignorance has no defense,” he said.

He urged the new student leaders to embrace servant-leadership and uphold integrity, competence and transparency while discharging the mandate bestowed upon them. Further, he advised them to maintain the delicate balance between Academics and Politics.

Prof. Shibairo commended the electoral commission led by the Chairperson, MMUSO Electoral Commission, Prof Judah Ndiku, for the good work in ensuring a free, fair and peaceful elections through the electioneering period.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Students Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha promised to work closely with the student leaders to ensure that MMUST remains the University of choice.

“Student leaders are the bridge between the University management and the students. I am committed to support this student body to ensure their aspirations are realized,” said Prof. Golicha.

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The first ever female MMUSO Secretary General Ms. Tevivonah Ayieng’ is congratulated by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo.

The Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning Research and Innovation (DVC PRI), Prof. Charles Mutai echoed the Vice Chancellors remarks regarding consultation and working together, adding that doing this will yield positive outcomes for the Student Management as well as the entire University Management.

The Registrar Academics and Students’ Affairs, Prof. Thomas Sakwa, applauded the outgoing leadership saying that they played a key role in ensuring peace and tranquility during their tenure. “A leader is one who can see room for improvement, understand how to improve and rallies towards the improvement. Student leadership is part of management. I urge you to listen to the voice of reason and work harmoniously with the present management,” stated Prof. Sakwa.

The Chairman MMUSO Electoral Commission (MEC), Prof. Judah Ndiku, thanked students for believing in him and promised to support the incoming leadership to deliver their manifestos. He further commended all commissioners who participated in the elections.

The Dean of Students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao encouraged the new leaders to exhaust all the channels of communication to enable them to amicably solve critical issues related to students.  Advising them to shun bluffing politics, Dr. Abwao, encouraged the installed student leaders to consult and work with relevant offices and move as a team.

The outgoing Chairperson, Students Executive Council (SEC), Mr. Brian Odhiambo congratulated the incoming 5th MMUSO Parliament urging them to work closely with the management and serve the comrades diligently.  “Leadership is not about being bossy, it takes humility. Be approachable and most importantly embrace the need to talk to each other before talking at each other,” he said.

The Chairperson, Students Executive Council (SEC), Mr. Samuel Ombui Motari expressed his readiness to work hand in hand with all students to further their interests. He vowed to continue the legacy of the previous leadership and ensure peace and tranquility throughout his reign.

Other notable personalities present at the swearing in ceremony included, the Magistrate and Deputy Registrar- High Court, Kakamega, Josephine Maragia, Chief Inspector of Police, Mr. Alfred Masila, Hon., Rev. Prof. Willis Otuya, Director Corporate Communication and Marketing, Dr. Lydia Anyonje, Rev. Dr. Fr. Kizito Muchanga, Dr. Beatrice Shikuku, Dr. Paul Ogenga, Ass. Dean of Students, Dr. Noel Malanda, Dr. Dennis Omaiyo, Public Relations Officer (PRO), Ms. Brenda Kabindio, Liaison Officer, Mr. Moses Onyango, Chief Security Officer Mr. Julius Mabia, Outgoing student leaders and Chairperson Student Electoral Commission, Ms. Jacinter Wagadwa.

The MMUSO Secretary General Ms. Tevivonah Ayieng’ and Chairperson Student Electoral Commission, Ms. Jacinter Wagadwa are women, as well as a host of other female student leaders. This is significant on this day (International Women’s Day) since MMUST has showcased implementation of gender mainstreaming by providing a conducive environment for election of women to key positions. We warmly congratulate the student leaders on their victory and wish them well during their tenure!

By: Charity Idaya and Caren Mutoro

Photos by: Wilberforce Shiundu

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