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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, on Sunday 13th March 2022, ended its highly decorated cultural week, dubbed ‘Tamasha’. This was the second time, amidst COVID-19, that the celebrations have been held at the University. The event was graced and officially opened by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (DVC), Planning Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Mutai, on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo. The 2022 Tamasha Cultural Festival, whose theme was ‘Preserving Our Cultural Heritage and Combating COVID-19 Effects’, brought together students from various cultural backgrounds, both nationally and internationally with the intention of celebrating, enhancing and appreciating cultural diversity and heritage of Kenya and other nationalities.

Representing the Vice Chancellor, in his capacity as the DVC in charge of Planning, Research and Innovation (PRI) and also as the Chief Guest, Prof. Charles Mutai commended the Office of the Dean of Students and the entire MMUST fraternity for keeping the festivals alive despite the global pandemic. He encouraged staff and students to stay vigilant about their safety, saying that COVID-19 is still a threat despite news reports that it is not as potent as it was almost two years ago. Prof. Mutai urged the audience to take advantage of Tamasha Festivals to learn about different traditions and maintain the spirit of unity.


A section of Tamasha Officials during the Tamasha Festivals

“It is crucial to create awareness of our cultures, heritage and roots, as it gives us a chance to understand not only our traditions but also those of others. As a result, we become more accepting of people who are different from us and this promotes cohesion in our communities and the entire country,” said Prof. Mutai.

Rev. Prof. Judith Achoka, who spoke on behalf of the DVC in charge of Administration and Finance, Prof. John Kuria Thuo, laid emphasis on this year’s Tamasha Cultural Festival theme, noting that most communities have abandoned their cultures. She advised all communities to keep up with the high civilization rate of their cultures and respect them equally.

The Dean of Students, Dr. Bernadette Abwao, emphasized on the essence of Tamasha festivals, saying that the celebrations are meant to bring individuals back to their cultures.

“Tamasha Cultural Festivals is an important event in the University’s Calendar which is meant to bring us together as a community, assist us in preservation of our cultures and enable us to appreciate each other’s cultures,” stated Dr. Abwao.

She thanked the University Management Board for supporting the celebrations and the Organizing Committee led by the Patron, Tamasha 2022, Prof. Edwin Wamukoya, sponsors and the students’ organization for a job well done.


International students performing the ‘Ilang iye atuluba Hodehode’

The Western Kenya Regional Manager at Safaricom PLC, Mr. Maurice Oyamo, urged students to take advantage of the M-PESA Academy and internships offered by Safaricom.

“We are looking forward to more partnerships with you. We will do more together,” said Mr.Oyamo.

Safaricom PLC and Mediheal Hospital were among the main sponsors of the Tamasha Festivals.

The climax of the event was on Saturday, March 12, 2022 when students got the opportunity to experience and understand the assorted cuisines and art from the various cultures. Evident was the fact that every culture showcased a staple meal which holds a deeper cultural meaning to its people. Additionally, students were privileged to crown Mr. and Miss Culture, Miss Curvy and Mr. fitness who will embark on representing MMUST’s cultural diversity at other fora.

The event attracted performances such as music, dance, skits, art and exhibitions which were accompanied by instruments and costumes from cultural groups such as Turkana, Coast, Maasai, Kikuyu, Luo, Kuria, Kisii, Pokot, Luhya, Kamba and Meru among others, represented by different student groups. Notably, the Karate and Taekwondo teams were not left behind. Dressed in their special uniforms, the teams performed extraordinary acts for the audience to see and learn self-defense techniques.

The International Students Guild was represented by the South Sudanese and Somali communities. “In every problem, there is a solution,” said Ms. Gloria Tamanok, the current MMUSO female student representative of the international students. She led the students from South Sudan in performing a song in ‘lotuko-subtribe’ dubbed ‘Ilang iye atuluba Hodehode’, a song sang mostly by women who ask men to be peaceful and mindful of the aftermath of war on the women, who do not take part in war.         

Tamasha Cultural festival is an important event that preaches unity and acknowledges diversity in culture among the students and staff of MMUST. Despite erosion of our traditions through modernity, Tamasha Cultural Festival is here to give everyone the chance to express themselves and help others understand their cultural diversities-all in building a harmonious spirit in the University.

 By: Caren Mutoro and Sandra Awuor Dorcas

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