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Today, 16th March, 2022, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology received a donation of assorted equipment from Deutsche Welle Academy (DW). The donation was earmarked for the University’s radio station, 103.9 MMUST FM. The equipment which included one (1) broadcast computer desktop, two (2) modern microphone stands, two (2) recorders, three (3) Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), one (1) Microphone cable, four (4) headphones- two (2) Sony and two (2) bear dynamics.

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The equipment donated by Deutsche Welle Academy

The equipment was handed over by the DW Academy Project Manager, Mr. Fredrick Mariwa and DW Technician Mr. George Kaguru. The donations were received by the Journalism and Mass Communication Chairperson of Department (C.o.D) Mr. Wafula Nyongesa, a lecturer from the department, Mr. Tom Ouko and MMUST FM’s Producer Ms. Nancy Imali. Thereafter, the DW team and the team from the department of Journalism and Mass Communication paid a courtesy call to the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration and Finance, Prof. John Kuria Thuo.

Speaking to the DW team, Prof. John Kuria Thuo who was representing the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo, pointed out that linkages with international organizations such as DW are key for development and training. “I am impressed with DW’s partnership with MMUST. I appreciate you for giving us the donation and assure you that the equipment will be put to good use at the radio station to enhance the learning, practical experience and entire skills set of our journalism students,” he stated.


The equipment donated by Deutsche Welle Academy -a microphone arm riser.

The Director, Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM), Dr. Lydia Anyonje, who was also present during the courtesy call, acknowledged the long standing relationship that exists between the University and DW including, joint hosting of panel discussions, capacity building and research. “As a University, we are happy with DW and thank them for the equipment which will improve performance at the radio station and at the same time boost the training we give our students pursuing Journalism and Mass Communication,” she said.

Echoing the views from other university officials, Mr. Nyongesa lauded the partnership with DW, saying that the department is willing and ready to collaborate with DW in many other areas as well.  “DW has been of great importance to both staff and students. DW has been offering students and staff training in various areas such as Election Reporting,” he added.

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103.9 MMUST FM staff with some of the equipment donated by  Deutsche Welle Academy

Mr. Ouko and MMUST FM’s Producer Ms. Nancy Imali thanked the DW team, promising to utilize the equipment as expected. Some of the equipment has already been installed in the live studio and the transmission studio at the radio station. Certainly, such productive partnerships will enable universities to offer quality training and therefore, churn out products who not only meet the demands of the market but lead the rest in the marketplace.

 By Verna Awuor

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu

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