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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) frontline workers (Administrative Assistants and Secretaries), on 25th March 2022, got empowered on complaints management mechanisms. This was during a sensitization training steered by the Commission on Administrative Justice (CAJ) commonly known as Office of the Ombudsman.’ The event was organized by the University Ombudsman, Rev. Prof. Judith Achoka.

The keynote speakers from the National Ombudsman office Ms. Winnie Tallam- Senior Legal Officer and Mr. Franklin Lilako- Legal Officer I, took the staff through extensive presentations touching on the mandates of CAJ and other key distinctive roles of the Commission. The Office of the Ombudsman handles complaints relating to maladministration and those concerning Access to Information.



A section of the workshop participants.

This informative training was graced by the Dean, School of Public Health and Biomedical Sciences and Technology, Prof. Edwin Wamukoya who represented the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Solomon Shibairo. Prof. Wamukoya urged the participants to take the training seriously and implement the knowledge in their various departments to enhance complaints management in the University. “Let us be open minded to learn as much as possible from this training,” he added.

Speaking during the training, Prof. Achoka appreciated CAJ for honoring their request to train MMUST staff. She noted that the training will go a long way to transform how complaints will be handled in the University. She further advised the trainees to take keen note of various presentations made.

Some of the main complaints highlighted during the training were inappropriate policies, complex procedures, inadequate capacity of government offices, lack of awareness, corruption and impunity as well as poor leadership.

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KUSU Chairman, Mr. Onzere Mulongo giving a point.

The various topics tackled by the team from CAJ included the ‘Mandate and Functions of the Ombudsman & its Contribution to Justice & Governance- Examples of Complaints Resolved to Satisfaction’, ‘Effective Complaints Handling Mechanism’, ‘Organizational Culture in Complaints Management: Introspection & Sharing Experiences’, ‘Procedures & Best Practices on Complaints Management Policy’, ‘Root Cause Analysis & Alternative Dispute Resolution’, ‘Pursuit of Excellent Customer Experience in Public Universities’, ‘Obligations under ATI Act 2016 on Disclosure of Information’ and ‘Performance Measures Implementing 'Resolution of Public Complaints Indicator' for FY 21/22’.

Ms. Tallam urged participants to ensure that they implement the Access to Information Act that encourages proactive disclosure of information and access of information on request. “You need to update some of the key information about your institution on your website. These include staff remuneration scales, catalogue of information about MMUST and management records,” she added.

“Complaints handling requires concerted efforts. I encourage you to look into your policy and align it in the best approach as stipulated by the Commission. Ensure public participation when designing your Complaints policy,” stressed Mr. Lilako.

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Mr. Franklin Lilako- Legal Officer I making his presentation at the workshop.

Capacity building for frontline workers is undoubtedly a key task that every institution should undertake to avoid the risks that come with poor management of complaints. Institutions need to inculcate Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) strategies such as Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation in handling disputes that may arise to avoid ruining the image of their institutions.

 By Linet Owuor and Wilberforce Shiundu

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