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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology’s Vice Chancellor Prof. Solomon Shibairo yesterday, 5th May, 2022 hosted the first ever media engagement forum with members of the fourth estate in a bid to establish good working relations. The forum dubbed ‘Vice Chancellor’s Media Breakfast (VMB)’ brought together bilateral discussions with media professionals from the Standard, Nation, Royal Media Services, 103.9-MMUST FM, and West TV.

Speaking during the VMB organized by the Directorate of Corporate Communications and Marketing (DCCM), Prof. Shibairo expressed interest in working together with the media to ensure maximum coverage of the University’s innovations and programmes.

“This partnership is built on both mutual trust and respect. It is through such forums that we can engage in dialogue and debates relating to the performance of our great institution and by extension our County,” said Prof. Shibairo.

He further noted that MMUST is an international institution that accommodates students from around the globe. Prof. Shibairo added that guided by its mandate to teach, train, conduct research and community service, MMUST offers unique programs such as Bachelor of Science in Optometry and Vision Sciences and Bachelor of Science in Paramedical Sciences. Similarly, it has created niche areas in Engineering, Medicine, Nutrition and Agriculture.


Participants of the VMB.

Notably, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Hussein Golicha stated that as MMUST, we champion the role of media as the public purveyor of information that is able to transform society for the better.

“Come and discover the great innovations at MMUST and tell the world about us,” urged Prof. Golicha.

Additionally, the Director-DCCM, Dr. Lydia Anyonje applauded the members of the fourth estate for honoring the invite to this important event. She pointed out that the VMB will help in establishing and maintaining the required industry linkage with the media for purposes of improving MMUST’s image and global positioning as a reputable HE institution in Africa and beyond.

The Bureau Chief – Nation Media group, Mr. Benson Amadala said that the media landscape has shifted and that the media house has digital platforms that are open to everyone and can be utilized by MMUST students pursuing journalism to gain exposure to the industry. “We are proud to be associated with MMUST since a significant number of senior reporters at Nation Media Group are alumni of this great University,” said the Bureau Chief.

“His sentiments were echoed by his counterpart from Standard Media, Mr. John Shilitsa who expressed delight with the initiated collaboration that will ensure students training for journalism at MMUST be well equipped for the job market courtesy of the internship programs they offer.


Mr. Bramuel Bwire- West TV, Mr. Fredrick Mukhwami –KBC and Mr. John Shilitsa-Standard Bureau Chief during the VMB at MMUST.

The other notable journalists present at the VMB included Mr. Elvis Chamegere- 103.9 MMUST FM, Mr. Fredrick Mukhwami -KBC, Mr. Bramuel Bwire- West TV, Mr. Erick Ayiro- Citizen Radio and Mr. Zachaues Mwasame- Nation. They all attested to the tranquility MMUST has had since the appointment of Prof. Shibairo as the Vice Chancellor, noting that in the past the media would frequently come to MMUST to cover the wrangles. However, things have greatly changed because currently the media are covering developmental projects, research findings and innovations carried out at the University.

The VC’s Media Breakfast Meetings will be carried out once in every quarter of the year involving a series of interactive sessions. These sessions will have distinct outcomes covering important events and activities involving the University. The VMB has the potential to yield better advocacy and increased levels of understanding by the media regarding MMUST. It will ensure improved, sustained, accurate and authoritative coverage about the University activities and improved image of the institution.

By Linet Owuor and Charity Idaya

Photos by Wilberforce Shiundu

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