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Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology has hosted a PhD student from the University of Rwanda (UR), courtesy of UR-College of Education’s World Bank funded African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS). The student, Ms. Manishimwe Henriette, who is a specialist in Biology Education, is in the University for a two-week visit.  The visit began on 2nd and will stretch to 16th May, 2022. Ms. Manishimwe was received by MMUST’s Professor of Aquatic Ecology, Prof. William Shivoga, Director of International Relations and Academic Linkages (DIAL), Dr. Catherine Aurah, Dr. Humphrey Agevi and the Chairperson, Department of Biological Sciences, Dr. Philip Ogutu.

The trip was purposely for Ms. Manishimwe to meet and interact with her second supervisor, Prof. William Shivoga, and to conduct further investigations for her thesis titled ‘.’

As part of her data collection process, Ms. Manishimwe visited Bishop Sulumeti Girls Secondary School, Kakamega County. She is looking into the teaching and learning methodologies in Biology Education. Besides talking to the teachers of Biology, Ms. Manishimwe also made a presentation of her study at a one-day Workshop which was organized by MMUST’s Department of Biological Sciences.


Ms. Manishimwe Henriette at Bishop Sulumeti Girls Secondary School, Kakamega County.

According to the Director, DIAL, Dr. Catherine Aurah, UR identified MMUST as one of its key partner institutions when it won a grant from the World Bank, under its Centre of Excellence, which saw the two (2) Universities strike up a collaboration in 2017. MMUST got into the partnership through the School of Education’s Department of Science and Mathematics Education, as well as the School of Natural Sciences (SONAS).

“In the collaboration, scholars from partner Universities were required to help with the establishment of postgraduate programmes in Science and Mathematics Education at UR and to jointly supervise students,” stated Dr. Aurah. She added that the collaboration has placed MMUST on the global map and has greatly improved the research agenda of both Universities.

MMUST scholars associated with the project include Prof. William Shivoga, Prof. Maurice Amadalo, Prof. William Toili, Prof. Martin Wanjala, Prof. Dickson Owiti and Dr. Catherine Aurah.

ur3Dr. Catherine Aurah gifts Ms. Manishimwe Henriette.

(ACEITLMS) is one of the 24 Eastern and Southern Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence in the World Bank’s ACE II Project, which aims at strengthening human capacity to deliver research-based quality teaching and learning of Mathematics and Science, in Rwanda and across the region. This is done in collaboration with regional and international higher learning institutions through the three main activities namely; teaching and learning, research & training and community engagement.

Other regional and global partners of ACEITLMS include; Rwanda Education Board (REB), African Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS-Rwanda), University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Aga Khan University (Tanzania), State University of Zanzibar, Tanzania, Kenyatta University, Kenya; Makerere University (Uganda), Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS), Burundi; University of Bristol (UK), University of Copenhagen, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, Shanghai Normal University (SNU). China

MMUST recognizes the fact that international students, scientists and researchers bring fresh perspectives, diverse experiences, expertise, new ideas and creativity to the University and the country at large. Our University continues to attract scholars across the globe with the aim of living up to its vision as the premier University in science, technology and innovation.

By Mary Wangari Wambugu and Caren Mutoro 

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