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MMUST Research Team Dubbed ‘The Eagles’ Partners With Key Stakeholders From Busia County to Jointly Search for Mega Grants

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) research team dubbed ‘The eagles’ has partnered with key stakeholders from Busia County to jointly search for mega grants. This was exhibited on Thursday, 9th June 2022 when they held a bilateral meeting to partner with stakeholders from Busia County in matters research. The aim of the meeting was to brainstorm on prospects that may attract mega grants and ensure implementation of the research findings by University researchers. This research titled ‘COVID-19 Exposures, Risks and Vulnerabilities among School Going Children in Bunyala, Busia County’, is among those funded under the University Research Funds (URF).

The team was led by the Principal Investigator (PI), and Co-PI who is the Dean of the School of Education (SEDU), . The PI  took the participants through the objectives and findings of the research project. She noted that they are targeted at investigating strategies that have been put in place to avert learning losses after the pandemic.

 eagle2Principal Investigator(PI), Dr. Rose Opiyo speaks at the Busia meeting.

Echoing Dr. Opiyo, Prof. Poipoi urged the stakeholders to cooperate to ensure formation of a consortium to deliberate on proposal writing in order to attract mega grants.

"Let us embrace this idea to create impact in communities.  Our desire is to partner with you to take this project to a higher level," stated Prof. Poipoi.

Additionally, the Coordinator-Webuye Campus, Prof. Peter Odera, stressed that a conducive environment is a basic requirement for the development of children.  “We intend to come up with a comprehensive proposal that will address the needs of the Bunyala child,” he said.

eagle7The Coordinator-Webuye Campus, Prof. Peter Odera explains a point.

The other notable members of the research team present included Dr. Joel Ogutu, Dr. Drinold Mbete, Ms. Joanne Lyanda, Mr. Moses Onyango and Ms. Linet Owuor

The joint meeting brought together the Bunyala Sub-County Administrator, Mr. Nelson Otando, representatives from various Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Speaking during the event, Mr. Otando noted that Bunyala Sub-County is the most vulnerable part of Busia County. He appreciated the MMUST team for coming in at the hour of need to ensure safety and continuation of learning for Bunyala children despite the effects of COVID-19 and floods.

"As a University, you have taken up your role to carry out Corporate Social Responsibility activities and change the lives of communities through impactful research.  I commend you for picking on Bunyala Sub-County, " added Mr. Otando.


Co-PI and Dean of the School of Education (SEDU), Prof. Moses Poipoi makes his contribution at the Busia meeting.

The CSOs and CBOs representatives gave a comprehensive report of various issues they deal with to ensure safety of school going children and continuity of learning in Bunyala.  Some of the aspects mentioned were counselling, child protection, training on parenting skills, teenage parenting and guidance of adolescents. Notably, the Organizations also follow up with dropouts to take them back to schools. 

eagle6Stakeholders keenly following the discussions.

According to the research findings, Bunyala Community suffered double tragedy of both floods and COVID-19 during the pandemic. The pandemic escalated lack of parental guidance resulting into teenage pregnancies, drug abuse, exposure to pornographic content, sexual harassment and school dropouts among school going children. Indeed this research addresses the various forms of vulnerabilities, including, social, economic, health, educational, sociocultural and psychological.

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