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MMUST Students Among the 2022 SUSI Cohort Mentorship Program at University of Delaware, USA

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology students are among the just concluded Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) mentorship program at the University of Delaware, United States of America (USA). SUSI is an intensive short-term mentorship program for female student leaders in developing countries.

The SUSI program began on 1st June, 2022 to 15th June, 2022, and aims at providing a deeper understanding of the culture, Education for self-reliance to groups of Undergraduate student leaders, while simultaneously enhancing their leadership skills. The selection of these students involved a keen interview that was chaired by the US Embassy Attaché to Kenya and two panelists from MMUST, namely; Prof. John Muoma and Mr. Moses Onyango.

These students included Masinde Muliro University Student Organization (MMUSO) Secretary-General, Ms. Tevivonah Ayieng’ and MMUST’s alumni Ms. Lorine Otamo and Ms. Feysene Mwanje.

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(MMUSO) Secretary-General, Ms. Tevivonah Ayieng’

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Ms. Lorine Otamo

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 Ms. Feysene Mwanje.

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